A History of Hebrew Part 1: The purpose of a translation

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Home Education A History of Hebrew Part 1: The purpose of a translation
Published on February 20, 2014
Jeff Benner posted video:

A History of Hebrew DVD available through Amazon.Com – http://www.amazon.com/History-Hebrew-Its-Language-Philosophy/dp/1621370593 —————————…

Category :  Education
  1. Anthony Pacione

    Mr. Benner, do you intend on translating the entire Bible? Your web sight
    and these you tube videos are more then inspiring. Your passion shows in
    your work, particularly on the detail of facts/truths and not on men’s
    interpretation. I have been in search of this very thing, that you are so
    eloquently providing for us all. I personally want to thank you for what
    you are doing, and encourage you to continue to march on with His blessing
    upon you.

  2. garviel41

    The date at the 1st part of this 0:13 what calander are you using for the
    date you have? seeing W. Tyndale died 1536 on The Gregorian calendar.
    William Tyndale Protestant reformer and Bible translator Born c. 1494
    Gloucestershire, England Died October 6th 1536 near Brussels, Belgium

  3. Jeff Benner

    I personally would not single out the NIV only as “very inaccurate.” In my
    opinion all English translations are inaccurate as they cannot convey the
    true meaning of the Hebrew as the two languages are as differenct as night
    and day.

  4. vachief

    @jjpetkusiii ..Yes I agree. To believe otherwise is Gnostic philosophy,
    like the guy who made this video. His intent is do demonstrate to people
    that understanding what God really said is unknowable unless your fluent in
    Hebrew. The Greeks use the same arguement, as in only the initiated few
    really understand and that we must kneel before them if you really want to
    know. The Gnostic brotherhood/Freemasonry ..”we’re the grand masters”

  5. Bucklehairy

    I assume the inaccuracy of the NIV or TNIV is primarily due to its tendency
    of paraphrasing. But, indeed, the most authoritative texts would be the
    Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek sources themselves and not the English
    translations. Hence I am not a fan of “KJV Only”-promotions. The KJV is
    out-dated as well in its English as in its translation material. It’s
    behind on my new discoveries.

  6. MrZetterlund777

    @ancienthebreworg isrealSeedOfSatan is just apart of this new anti-semetic
    cult that believes black people are the true ancient Israelites. He/She
    asked if I were Jewish. -lol. I’m going to respond “yes” just for kicks.

  7. qitrodz

    @MrZetterlund777 Not only is this a “Jewish” concept, Meshiach is a Hebrew
    word. The small m meshiach’s were all Jewish as was the big M Meshiach. On
    top of which, many Jews now believe that Y’shua (Jesus in Hebrew) IS their
    Meshiach. I don’t mean to make anyone angry with this, but these are facts.
    I added the capitalization of m. Obviously, Judaism as a whole rejects the
    notion that Jesus was or is the Jewish Meshiach SHALOM to ALL

  8. Bryon Lape

    @ancienthebreworg No need to apologize. I’m just complaining about the mix.

  9. Israel5535

    Can anyone translate the signs the hosts of heaven revealed on March 2001.
    Go to my site and view, “THE HOSTS OF HEAVEN.” images r real and I have the

  10. israelSeedOfSatan

    Pg. 3 Revelation 3:9 Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan,
    which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them
    to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.
    Defenders Notes >> This “hour of temptation” was yet to “come upon all the
    world,” so this statement could not have referred to any of the events of
    the first century.

  11. spreadthegospel

    The New International Version is very inaccurate.

  12. DeeJay DeEnay

    @Salamwamat its not actually that important, allowing zionist jews to take
    control of & implement apartheid in israel by force is as immoral as native
    americans committing genocide against the european settlers in the USA in
    the name of claiming back their homeland… israels government/IDF are the
    modern worlds nazis, until they stop the violence no one who supports god
    or morality can support israels actions, even many courageous israelis
    realize this & refuse to fight in the IDF

  13. katpiering123

    I am looking for this tipe of Hebrew music, who else makes this tipe of
    music then? Do you know of anyone? I love Hebrew music but dont know where
    to find any. So you dont think the 3rd Command talks about His name?

  14. Mike Tonon

    Check this out everyone – Halleluyahscriptures . com I have one of these
    bibles and it seems like one of the most accurate and easy to understand to
    the best of my knowledge.

  15. jaimesssi

    So Far, So … OK

  16. Bucklehairy

    correction: MANY new discoveries (not my =) ).

  17. Jeff Benner

    Yes, this was an error on my part and is already corrected in the second
    draft. Once I have completed the series I will be posting the second draft
    to replace the first.

  18. Bobby Adams

    Dear Jeff, I do appreciate your video’s, at times helpful, insightful, and
    intriguing whether I agree with you or not. Though I am a KJO, name calling
    has never been one of my strong suits, so, forgive me for not making the
    top 10 lists of dealing with your videos. I will therefore, study out your
    video of ‘A History of Hebrew Part 1’ dealing with “Teach”, and comment
    later. Thought till then, and contrary to ‘popular’ belief, we are not all
    a bunch of dummies as some make us look.

  19. alexmcginness

    Im on the road and dont get a chance to post. So in the meanwhile just go
    look for lost books of the Bible. I was able to find a list of a dozen
    missing books and epistles listed in the Bible yet not contained nin it.
    These were words God caused to be written down, are still available yet are
    not in the collection we call the Bible. So much for no omissions. Go find
    those books and epistles and get back to me with their names. Lets see if
    you really want to disprove your false KJO beliefs.

  20. Bucklehairy

    Maybe translations aren’t a sufficient condition to the true meaning of the
    original Biblical texts, but they are a necessary condition for the
    majority of people today who want to get at least a general idea of what
    the Bible says. Moreover, do you believe that the differences between
    languages are incommensurable? Surely, there is no one-on-one relationship,
    but I’d say that every expression in one language can also be expressed by
    (other) linguistic means in another.

  21. Bucklehairy

    Yes, you’re quite right about that. There is more to it than word
    exchanges. And, of course, internal linguistic relationships get lost in
    the translation process. But the question is whether such a conceptual
    relationship between rosh and reshit (concrete and abstract) was actually
    present in the mind of the Hebrew speakers and whether an etymological
    relationship in meaning would be methodologically helpful or, at all,
    relevant for translation.

  22. Jeff Benner

    Correction to previous post, I used 50 Sec not 2 min of the original piece.

  23. Jeff Benner

    Thank you for the encouragement and I’m glad you are enjoying them.

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