Learn Hebrew Writing #1 – Hebrew Alphabet Made Easy: Alef and Beit

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Home Education Learn Hebrew Writing #1 – Hebrew Alphabet Made Easy: Alef and Beit
Published on January 14, 2013
HebrewPod101 posted video:

http://www.HebrewPod101.com/video Learn Hebrew with HebrewPod101.com! Welcome to HebrewPod101.com’s Hebrew Alphabet Made Easy series. In this video series of…

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  1. joseph madre

    It is a good thing I have just fallen in love with you. It will make future learning from you much easier. Thank you. 🙂 You are very pretty and speak very clearly. Thank you


    Thank you so much. It make so simple.

  3. infotruther

    She is some hot chic and very cute to.

  4. teranx1

    using japnese prouducts φ(. .)
    thank you(^o^)

  5. iwontbeafallenone

    Very nice teaching girl, thanks..

  6. zk ks

    is that a japanese “マッキー” marker you`re writting with? lol
    btw,this video is really helpful

  7. Sunny Eskenazy


  8. xXxkawaiisugarxXx

    @xXxkawaiisugarxXx spacetoon

  9. xXxkawaiisugarxXx

    @Mancunian786 no sorry but you know listening and watching programs in Arabic would be helpful you can search spacetoo on YouTube for cartoons in Arabic .. also their is this app called 50languages its similar to the speak English in 5 days series teaches different vocabulary for different situations

  10. Mancunian786

    bro do you know any material to best learn arabic?

  11. xXxkawaiisugarxXx

    it is … even us native arabs sometimes make mistakes
    the holy quran is prophet Muhammad miracle because there are no mistakes in it
    that no normal arabian human no matter who genius can come up with it ..
    that may not make since but if you were arab you’d understand

  12. Mancunian786

    dude arabic is very difficult to learn.

  13. xXxkawaiisugarxXx

    oh i thought I’d be able to read hebrew with in 5 minuets
    i was so excited XP
    guess no language is that easy
    even though I’m arabian and i find hebrew to be easy for how much in common is between my mother language and it

  14. Anon Ymous

    Please don’t drag out the lessons over a year’s time, I would like to see the next lessons relatively soon

  15. Abdelkader Haddak

    Please can you upload the other parts of the selection please

  16. Lucho López

    nice explanation; thank you 😀 and by the way you are so beautiful.

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