HEBREW Language – How to EASILY Ask QUESTIONS in Hebrew – 7 EASY Hebrew Words of Inquiry

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Home Education HEBREW Language – How to EASILY Ask QUESTIONS in Hebrew – 7 EASY Hebrew Words of Inquiry
Published on November 15, 2015
JesusfreakPC posted video:

Teaching Myself HEBREW – In this video you shall quickly and easily learn how to ask questions in the Hebrew language. It is so simple that all you basically…

Category :  Education
  1. carlos costa

    Thank you !

  2. Charles Calvert

    I am sooo glad I found you. You make learning hebrew fun and easy. Thanks

  3. Yarrid Mgomagid


  4. Jimmy Burr

    I am so glad I found your videos! I really didn’t know where to start
    learning to Write and understand Hebrew. Was in Israel many years ago Now I
    have a notebook….I begin! Thanks!

  5. toastie1488

    Excellent thankyou

  6. JesusfreakPC

    Thanks very much. That’s very kind of you to say. Remember, as a novice in
    all of this, my vids can only take you so far, lol. So when you want more,
    I’m sure there are way more advanced Hebrew tutorials out there to take you
    further into your journey with Hebrew. Thanks much for watching and
    commenting. Appreciate it greatly. God bless in Jesus’ name.

  7. The Lone Patriot 111

    Another nice job my brother

  8. Hristina Christ

    WOW – this is the most comprehensive lesson of how to ask questions! What I
    tried to learn from the other teachers, suddenly becomes clear with your
    lessons in which you show the written Hebrew word, say it, translate it and
    put it into prospective with the grammar – in this case is the implied
    verb. God bless you brother – you really magnify the name of our Lord Jesus
    Christ! I just started, but I will continue learning Hebrew from you
    lessons. Shalom. Toda Raba! Happy 4th of July!

  9. Charlie James Tennant

    Awesome, can’t wait! 🙂

  10. JesusfreakPC

    Haha…no worries, bro. It’s awfully kind that you even drop by and comment
    on all my Hebrew vids (you and Blutunder, thanks much). But I do realize
    that most of you guys are not interested in actually doing lessons and
    learning Hebrew. So mainly I expect the views to be from YouTubers who are
    searching for Hebrew Language Tutorials. Hey, but appreciate you dropping
    by, kk. Thanks for watching and commenting, my friend.

  11. JesusfreakPC

    Thanks, and you’re welcome. Thanks much for checking it out and commenting.
    Appreciate it.

  12. Serrgio45acp

    I gotta admit, im not a good learner..lol. But its very interesting to see
    you teach your self hebrew. Good work brother.

  13. JesusfreakPC

    Hey, thanks Charlie. Appreciate it. Thanks for watching and commenting. 🙂
    Hope to do a Hebrew Slang vid one day soon, just for some fun, lol.

  14. Charlie James Tennant

    Great video as usual man. Keep it up ! 🙂

  15. JesusfreakPC

    Thanks m8. Appreciate it. Hope the next one is some slang just for some
    fun. 🙂 That way people who might not be interested in doing lessons might
    drop by just for a funny word to pick up, lol.

  16. JesusfreakPC

    Thought I would also add what I wrote to Sergio in comments, bro.
    “Haha…no worries, bro. It’s awfully kind that you even drop by and
    comment on all my Hebrew vids (you and Blutunder, thanks much)…”

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