Learn Hebrew with HebrewPod101.com posted video:
http://www.HebrewPod101.com/video Learn common Hebrew greetings with our Hebrew in Three Minutes series! In Israel, manners are important, and this step-by-s…
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NEW Video Lesson!
Hebrew in Three Minutes – Greetings
In this lesson, you’ll learn how to use some common Hebrew greetings.
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congratulations for your beauty and availability
Thank you.
Is she Rachel, Esther, Jezebel? Wow, brains and beauty.
Who cares?
thanks for this information
She’s so hot!!! אני אוהב את ישראל!׳
the problem is that Ashkenazi don’t pronounce well the “R” as it should be
like Sefaradim, Arabs and Spanish , the Hebrew “R” should pronounced like
spanish say : RRRRRoberrto Carrrrlos for example , and the “R” as the
German , Le Hi Traot , Traot comes from the root R, O , T , wich means
“see” so lehitraot is see you soon.
I’m in love with this lessons! Toda raba, Yana 🙂
thx alot =D
Interesting and useful lessons! Great tutor as well! Can’t wait for the
next lesson!
Glad to see your videos again. Looking forward to the rest of your teaching
in the aleph-bet!
Great teaching technique. Thank you. Yahweh bless you 🙂
Very good lessons. I really like the music, too.