Shalom wayman. Elohiym can be used to refer to a “Mighty One” (God, Judge, Power, etc. – a singular) or “Mighty Ones” (gods, judges, powers, etc. – a plural). There are two ways to determine if this word is meant to be used as a singular or a plural. The first is context and the second is the grammar of how it is used. If the context or the grammar does not tell you then it is open to ones own personal interpretation.
Nice lesson. Thanks! Question,How does one determine when to translate Elohim as (Powers) and when not to? At times the context may be up to interpretation also.
Shalom wayman. Elohiym can be used to refer to a “Mighty One” (God, Judge, Power, etc. – a singular) or “Mighty Ones” (gods, judges, powers, etc. – a plural). There are two ways to determine if this word is meant to be used as a singular or a plural. The first is context and the second is the grammar of how it is used. If the context or the grammar does not tell you then it is open to ones own personal interpretation.
Nice lesson. Thanks! Question,How does one determine when to translate Elohim as (Powers) and when not to? At times the context may be up to interpretation also.