LearnArabicwithMaha posted video:
i am teaching you the Hebrew personal pronouns and their use.
Category | : Education |
Tags | : Hebrew Lesson , Personal Pronouns |
i am teaching you the Hebrew personal pronouns and their use.
Category | : Education |
Tags | : Hebrew Lesson , Personal Pronouns |
very easy to understand for me( i m korean)
our language(korean) dont have gender neither in verbs nor in nouns..
so it’s relatively hard to learn hebrew which has gender.
But your teaching is so easy to understand. very helpful for me to learn hard-to-learn Hebrew. Toda raba Maha!
감사 합니다 maha님. 이런 강좌 정말 고맙게 생각하고 있습니다.
What do you call a mixed group (2p. or 3p. pl.)?
thank you from romania
Your hair looks pretty :)
hi maha how are you?
you are soo cool!
مها أرجوكِ إذا ماعندك مانع إعملي دروس للعبري بالعربي انا كتير بستفيد من دروسك .
وشكرا على هاد الدرس ^__^
She’s Israeli-Arab and Christian. I’m Israeli and hoping she supports reconciliation in Israel and is moderate person. The Christian Israeli-Arabs vary a lot in their opinion, depending a lot from which town they come from. In Haifa, a lot of them are very happy in Israel and supporting it. In other towns, they can side more with the Palestinians. It’s similar regional difference with Druze in Israel. In almost all Israel they support Israel. But Druze in the Golan Heights support Syria
I love u maha 😉
from Israel haha :P
No She isn’t but a lot of palestinian and moroccan too speak hebrew
Modern hebrew has lost a considerable part of its original phonetic, and that has been kept in the arabic language. It´s very nice that you can enlighten people about the differences. Personally i prefer the substance that it had before. Thanks a lot Maha!
I like when you say rawwwrrrrrrrr
I think arabic doesn’t have R like hebrew
Toda raba for Spur hebrew lessons. I like it 🙂 so I can learn a little bit more !
She grew up in Israel. Many of her friends are Israeli Jews I assume. She realizes they are people just like Palestinians are, and that they deserve respect and self-determination just like Palestinians do. This is not black and white. Jews live in the region, Arabs live in the region. Neither group is going anywhere, so they must just learn to get along. Maha is doing a great thing here by showing us all how Jews and Arabs are really cousins.
أحلى معلمة بالعالم تحياتي من فلسطين
She’s Christian you know that you bloody idiot? if you would bother to check her other videos instead of inciting a fight on youtube than you would surely notice that she wears a cross medallion.
my god look like arabic language 90%
gosh you guys can only whine… go cry on a suitable video where some1 actually gives a damn
thank you , please keep making hebrew lessons 🙂 awesome
@currentlyangry Male: ze. Female: zot.
All languages build on fragments and foundations of the original language the whole world spoke, I know most of the world spoke aramiac at one time but there was probly an older language that they spoke in anceint Iraq where the garden of eden was where all people come from originally.
I am 13, and i am from america….. i am jewish and dont no how to speak hebrew.. your lessons are sooooooooo amazing. and i have learned maybe almost 20 or more things:) thanks soooooo much plz make more
hey Maha i am from jerusalem and i always wanted to learn hebrew and better arabic so i can teach my kids you really helped thx .Just want to know where you from?