I am a Roman Catholic Seminarian and I have gone to the synagogue twice, once was to attend a Shabbat and the other was for Rosh Hashanah. I WAS TREATED WITH AMAZING RESPECT!! Do not fear….go visit the synagogue and learn about our roots.
well, i still don’t see anything offensive about what i said, but i respect your opinion and i’m sorry i offended you!
i know what you mean. people tend to “let loose” on youtube and say very hateful things about anyone and everyone. after a while, you just learn to ignore these twisted people.
(and yet, i can’t stop replying to hateful comments on other videos, heh.)
The more the merrier! I am a Christian and trying to learn Hebrew on my own. The only place I could get a live person would be at a synagogue and judging form some of the responses I read I’m not sure if I would be welcome. Who knows. Any lessons are appreciated! Look up “Open my heart to your Torah” on this site; It should be a guy and his guitar. It’s beautiful. The guy who posted it gave me the transliteration. An english translation would be wonderful! Hint hint! 🙂 Enjoy.
My apologies, I had read so many rude comments about black Jews that night I had you mixed up the another comment. I am truly sorry. I just can’t understand why there are so many hostile people leaving hateful remarks on a language site!? Why are they even here? They have a right to express their feelings, but is this the proper forum? This man went to a lot of trouble and I don’t see how any of this is related. Sorry I misplaced the comment.
It wasn’t the fact you used the name, it was how. No one says, “Oh, Buddah!” when they’re mad. That would be offensive and politically incorrect, right? But some how it’s ok if it’s a Christian name. I don’t understand that. I respect you, you respect me. Isn’t that how it’s supposed to work?
Thanks for posting this video. I just started taking a Hebrew class on Monday and I am trying to learn all that I can. This video went over what she touched on in class, but I really get it now. I am excited to see what else you have posted. I learned the letters with different spellings and pronounciations, but it is still very helpful. Thanks for posting!
sorry, but where in my comment did you get that from? YOU’RE the one who sounds silly, not me. i didn’t degrade anyone.
i was trying to explain that there’s really no such thing as being more “jewish” than someone else, like the commenters above.
i’m not stupid, i know they do. and i don’t understand why you need to specify that you’re a bat mitzva and attend shul. i believe you girl, and i DEFINITELY do not doubt that there are thousands of black jews (like i said, i’m friends with some).
HEY! I am Jewish AND Black, my grandmother was Jewish, so I am BOTH! I do not and never have offended anyone with the theory that Black people are the “real” Jews BUT I do not want to be degraded or offended either. I am Bat mitzva and attend Shul most every Shabbat and keep all the holidays. Stop being hateful, what does anyone care if there are people who are posers for whatever reason, Jews come in all colors,shapes, sizes and from many, many people groups. You sound silly and insulting.
1. nothing offensive about saying jesus christ. don’t get so worked up over that, i didn’t disrespect you anywhere in my comment.
also, hy did you put “crazy blacks” in quotations? NO WHERE in my comment does it say that.
2. im quite a fan of genetic testing. you know, genetic testing that has proven the majority of amer. jews descended from a common mideastern origin? im not sure where you got your “fact” about black jews having more “jewish blood” then….uh, jews, LOL.
but okay then.
Yes true.. Well…. I should make a vid by myself. =P It seems there aren’t good vids on it here (I’ve watched like 20 -_-)… I’m always willing to help 🙂
Wow, you really seem to know a lot. Maybe instead of slamming this man, you should make your own lesson? I’m assuming you wouldn’t take the time. Hateful people usually find plenty of time to be cruel to well meaning people and no time to be constructive. God Bless you friend.
Please have respect for other people’s beliefs. My God’s name is not a curse word. Jesus’ last name is not Christ, that’s his title. Thanks.
BTW, those “crazy blacks” have more Jewish blood than a lot of American Jews. They used DNA testing. I suppose you think dna science is bull S–t? Lot’s of anger here, I don’t understand it. I am enjoying the language lesson and thank you for spending the time on it. God Bless you.
yes, there are strange people in the world. There are so called “Black Jews” who just joined and claim they are the only real Jews and other oddballs. I learned the Sefardi Hebrew so I speak differently, like an Israeli. This is Ashkenazi Hebrew pron. It is no different than British English from American English. Tomato/tomato, car/car etc. If you speak Spanish or German go ahead and put your own spin on it, it will sound just fine. Roll them R’s and crack them CH sounds and you will do ok!
I am aGerman teacher and I have been struggling with Hebrew for long. Today I found your Lesson 1 and it was easy for me. Thanks so much. I will go on with it. The only thing I fear is, in the end I might pronounce Hebrew a little like an American! :o) I am the first here around learning Hebrew, many thanks to you!
lol, they show ב (bet) as 2 different letters.. haha xD (im an israeli). this is the same letter, but different sound in some situations. like in english… ‘ph’ has similar sound to ‘f’ , but p alone is different. in hebrew, when the ב (bet) come in the beginning of the word, it does the sound of ‘b’, (and in some other situations.. i wont say it all now) otherwise, it does the ‘v’ sound. this isnt just about ב , but also about כ,פ (should have been with ג,ד,ת also, but not in modern hebrew)
I am excited to learn Hebrew, thanks for your effort and help. God bless you. I was very disappointed to see the comment from deedangerous. So sad that people can be so hateful. We all have much to offer, regardless of what faith we are. Thanks again for the lessons.
I am a Roman Catholic Seminarian and I have gone to the synagogue twice, once was to attend a Shabbat and the other was for Rosh Hashanah. I WAS TREATED WITH AMAZING RESPECT!! Do not fear….go visit the synagogue and learn about our roots.
well, i still don’t see anything offensive about what i said, but i respect your opinion and i’m sorry i offended you!
i know what you mean. people tend to “let loose” on youtube and say very hateful things about anyone and everyone. after a while, you just learn to ignore these twisted people.
(and yet, i can’t stop replying to hateful comments on other videos, heh.)
The more the merrier! I am a Christian and trying to learn Hebrew on my own. The only place I could get a live person would be at a synagogue and judging form some of the responses I read I’m not sure if I would be welcome. Who knows. Any lessons are appreciated! Look up “Open my heart to your Torah” on this site; It should be a guy and his guitar. It’s beautiful. The guy who posted it gave me the transliteration. An english translation would be wonderful! Hint hint! 🙂 Enjoy.
My apologies, I had read so many rude comments about black Jews that night I had you mixed up the another comment. I am truly sorry. I just can’t understand why there are so many hostile people leaving hateful remarks on a language site!? Why are they even here? They have a right to express their feelings, but is this the proper forum? This man went to a lot of trouble and I don’t see how any of this is related. Sorry I misplaced the comment.
It wasn’t the fact you used the name, it was how. No one says, “Oh, Buddah!” when they’re mad. That would be offensive and politically incorrect, right? But some how it’s ok if it’s a Christian name. I don’t understand that. I respect you, you respect me. Isn’t that how it’s supposed to work?
My pronunciations may not be perfect, so go with what you get in class. There is an error in the 6th video. I think it’s on the resh and dalet.
Thanks for posting this video. I just started taking a Hebrew class on Monday and I am trying to learn all that I can. This video went over what she touched on in class, but I really get it now. I am excited to see what else you have posted. I learned the letters with different spellings and pronounciations, but it is still very helpful. Thanks for posting!
sorry, but where in my comment did you get that from? YOU’RE the one who sounds silly, not me. i didn’t degrade anyone.
i was trying to explain that there’s really no such thing as being more “jewish” than someone else, like the commenters above.
i’m not stupid, i know they do. and i don’t understand why you need to specify that you’re a bat mitzva and attend shul. i believe you girl, and i DEFINITELY do not doubt that there are thousands of black jews (like i said, i’m friends with some).
HEY! I am Jewish AND Black, my grandmother was Jewish, so I am BOTH! I do not and never have offended anyone with the theory that Black people are the “real” Jews BUT I do not want to be degraded or offended either. I am Bat mitzva and attend Shul most every Shabbat and keep all the holidays. Stop being hateful, what does anyone care if there are people who are posers for whatever reason, Jews come in all colors,shapes, sizes and from many, many people groups. You sound silly and insulting.
1. nothing offensive about saying jesus christ. don’t get so worked up over that, i didn’t disrespect you anywhere in my comment.
also, hy did you put “crazy blacks” in quotations? NO WHERE in my comment does it say that.
2. im quite a fan of genetic testing. you know, genetic testing that has proven the majority of amer. jews descended from a common mideastern origin? im not sure where you got your “fact” about black jews having more “jewish blood” then….uh, jews, LOL.
but okay then.
Yes true.. Well…. I should make a vid by myself. =P It seems there aren’t good vids on it here (I’ve watched like 20 -_-)… I’m always willing to help 🙂
This is true, but he’s teaching Americans. To us it looks like another letter. 🙂 Thanks for the help.
Wow, you really seem to know a lot. Maybe instead of slamming this man, you should make your own lesson? I’m assuming you wouldn’t take the time. Hateful people usually find plenty of time to be cruel to well meaning people and no time to be constructive. God Bless you friend.
Please have respect for other people’s beliefs. My God’s name is not a curse word. Jesus’ last name is not Christ, that’s his title. Thanks.
BTW, those “crazy blacks” have more Jewish blood than a lot of American Jews. They used DNA testing. I suppose you think dna science is bull S–t? Lot’s of anger here, I don’t understand it. I am enjoying the language lesson and thank you for spending the time on it. God Bless you.
yes, there are strange people in the world. There are so called “Black Jews” who just joined and claim they are the only real Jews and other oddballs. I learned the Sefardi Hebrew so I speak differently, like an Israeli. This is Ashkenazi Hebrew pron. It is no different than British English from American English. Tomato/tomato, car/car etc. If you speak Spanish or German go ahead and put your own spin on it, it will sound just fine. Roll them R’s and crack them CH sounds and you will do ok!
jesus christ, seek help.
i bet you’re one of those psychos who thinks that blacks are the “real” jews, right?
I am aGerman teacher and I have been struggling with Hebrew for long. Today I found your Lesson 1 and it was easy for me. Thanks so much. I will go on with it. The only thing I fear is, in the end I might pronounce Hebrew a little like an American! :o) I am the first here around learning Hebrew, many thanks to you!
lol, they show ב (bet) as 2 different letters.. haha xD (im an israeli). this is the same letter, but different sound in some situations. like in english… ‘ph’ has similar sound to ‘f’ , but p alone is different. in hebrew, when the ב (bet) come in the beginning of the word, it does the sound of ‘b’, (and in some other situations.. i wont say it all now) otherwise, it does the ‘v’ sound. this isnt just about ב , but also about כ,פ (should have been with ג,ד,ת also, but not in modern hebrew)
I am excited to learn Hebrew, thanks for your effort and help. God bless you. I was very disappointed to see the comment from deedangerous. So sad that people can be so hateful. We all have much to offer, regardless of what faith we are. Thanks again for the lessons.