Arabic VS. Hebrew #8 – The Clock !

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Home Education Arabic VS. Hebrew #8 – The Clock !
Published on January 8, 2013
LearnArabicwithMaha posted video:

You’re welcome to leave your comments , questions and doubts in the comment section below What do you want the next Arabic Vs. Hebrew lesson to be about? My …

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  1. TheKokizz

    you deserve a nobel award for peace!

  2. fhussain246

    Arabic all day everyday

  3. mhmommed magmed

    مصر مصر

  4. jahlove111

    more hebrew pleaaase! i’m addicted to your videos! love them
    great job

  5. ach92i

    You rock 🙂 !

  6. YesuMwami

    Hello Maha…
    First, I am humbly thankful for your efforts and time you spend in teaching the thirsty people like me for language. I’m so happy about you this course and thank you again!
    Second, I’d love to re-learn again Arabic becoz I’ve forgotten almost everything I knew in this language! Please Help me improve and get better!
    Third, May the God of Heaven, the Father of my Saviour Jesus Christ bless your life!
    Shuk’ran… From Kigali

  7. karim yousry

    Hello Maha,,,
    First,,I would like to thank you very much for your great efforts to teach us the Hebrew language,,I depend mainly on it to learn Hebrew,,so really thank you!!!!! =)
    Second,,i hope that you make lesson for numbers if you are not busy!!!!
    Thank you again,,From Egypt!!! =)

  8. DarkDennis1961

    she is the most amazing girl on youtube

  9. DRm2mon

    I think that Arabs say “How much” because in their ancient clock they used to count stuff in the clock rather than reading it like we do today. because their clock looked different back then.

  10. TsarMarla

    It would be great to learn in both Hebrew and Arabic about what to say to a taxi driver who is trying to overcharge! Hehehe

  11. davetanui

    Swahili Watch/clock is Saa, time saa. What is the time? Ni Saa ngapi?

  12. davetanui

    You should do a comparison between swahili and Arabic. You’ll will be surprised by how much similarities you come across.

  13. iliyas snow

    they are fighting for you mother bitch !! hos gonna fuck it the first !! & (peace)

  14. Nassim Blida

    شحال راهي ساعة ؟

  15. sajeer ibrahim

    nd now lady, how can I add U on my facebook…started likin u…:)

  16. 30061999pg

    am i the only one who got here because of her looks, and know what the f*ck shes talknig about?

  17. altarfe

    ما احلاك

  18. einnnor

    don’t you ask “adesh asa’aa” ?

  19. trinitaterion

    thats the approach, theyre too similar too be fighting among them

  20. Jose Cruz

    Maha eres linda 🙂 *_*

  21. MasterNeiXD

    anyone is better than afrikans… ’cause they are useless…

  22. PaddyMcCrann29

    Someone, clearly, who has an keen interest and a keen ear, and knowledge of her subject, an engaging way of communicating and generating interest and enthusiam in the subject. What other qualifications does she need?

  23. tianqizenmeyang

    Maha, would you be able to talk about the structure of verbs in both languages? For instance, the Forms (forms I, II, III)  versus the binyanim in Hebrew? I would really appreciate if you could make a video about them? I am learning both right now, so it would be so good if you could!!!! Toda; shukran

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