Learning Hebrew – Lesson 2

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Home Education Learning Hebrew – Lesson 2
Published on October 26, 2008
bneior posted video:

Hebrew for the person just starting to learn.

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  1. gyomafio

    this is so help full thank you very much

  2. LLover3

    These lessons are very helpful for beginners like me. I found out not too long ago that I am part Jewish on my dad’s side. If one is not careful to preserve one’s heritage, then it can be lost (or almost lost, in my case) for good. From that time on, I’ve been doing many things to learn about my new Jewish heritage. Every little bit helps. Thanks!

  3. mrsbriandear

    Thank you so much bneior! You obviously spent a lot of time on this and I thank you. I purchased a Hebrew grammer from Zondervan. The workbook spent one page to the alphabet and goes right to work! I was at a loss when it came to sounds and subtle differences in letters. Also, who writes print? You lessons have been so helpful thanks again.

  4. Purpledepth

    allright, thank you

  5. legalrule

    Please don’t forget that when the language was first written down there was a difference in the sound.

    If two, or more words, sound the same then context is considered, when read the words are spelled differently.

    Hebrew, like any other language in the world, is not pronounced uniformly by all. If you come from Europe, Africa, America, or any of the Middle Eastern countries Jews pronouce Hebrew a little differently.

    Just look at English! West, Southern, Eastern and many more accents.

  6. Purpledepth

    so it means that there is no difference in the sound or the meaning?

  7. legalrule

    I don’t know if you received an answer yet but here goes! As a language ages it changes and some letters that used to be pronounce in a particular way are no longer prounced, or they have been changed to a similar sounding letter in the alphabet. Just check out the Greek language especially the vowels and examine how they changed over time but yet today they sound the same, the same is true for some of the consonants.

  8. jacquelaguerre

    this is the best comment I’ve ever heard!

  9. scawa1952

    I am just starting Hebrew and unfortunately don’t have many people to ask questions. Thank you for these lessons…. If the kamatz and petach sound the same, why does one have two vowel symbols?

  10. morgannepourtoi

    thank you a lot for this!
    todah rabah!!

  11. MissFonebone

    Many thanks; I’m a 41 year old Bat Mitzvah candidate & this was very helpful! 🙂

  12. profeale1

    thank you very much for this lesson

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