learnClassicalHebrew posted video:
Visit: http://eteacherhebrew.com/sigal In this lesson we continue our study of the Qatal verb (the “suffix conjugation”), by examining the common ways in whi…
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what does beshalom mean?! in peace?
@TOproFORthis Right! (Naxon) be= prep+shalom. Thank you.
@elena010809 Thank you!!! Beshalom!
Thank you very much…very helpful!
Thank you. With tsere – Genesis 1:1 (two of them…). Rabbah is the
singular absolute noun. Rabbat – construct form.
Toda Raba Sigal! Could you give a scripture reference for the direct object
marker with “Sere” and not “Segol” as in the above example? Why does the
English translate the “makom” as “RABBAH” and yet it is”RABBAT”?