LearnArabicwithMaha posted video:
i am teaching you to greet somebody in Hebrew language and the first phrases you would need in a first conversationwww.facebook.com
Category | : Education |
Tags | : Greetings , Hebrew Language , Phrases |
you go girl ure doing it!!!!!
I wish I was 100 years younger because you’re beautiful. thanks it was helpful
palestinian christian.
@LearnArabicwithMaha EXACTLY .. I USED to talk Hebrew when I was Young & NOW .. ALL GONE !! , trying to speak it again XD .. Hopefully I will through this 🙂
I liked this.
Hi Maha,
You are inspirational. I’m wondering if you are a translator formally trained in various languages and if not, how did you learn so many languages and why. English is my native and only language but I am committed to learning Hebrew (hoping to be fluent in 2yrs). After mastering Hebrew, I would like to learn a few others.
Do you have advice for a me, a 30 yr old American desperately wanting to break out of the confines of one language?
Is she Muslim or christain?
This out of context but you are beautiful, hahah and thank u for the video it was very didactic 🙂
Sei davvero forte. Ho imparato più da te questa sera che dal padre di mia figlia in 7 anni. Lui è un arabo israeliano, mi sarebbe piaciuto imparare bene le due lingue.
Evidentemente non era bravo quanto te. Brava brava brava
How do you say
‘I love you Jesus’
In Hebrew?
Shalom its assyrian not arabic,,,, In assyrian we say Shlama, suryoyo says shlomo
Awesome video 🙂 Thank you. Or rather “Toda!” : )
at yeffefiah
she just said it! arabic..she’s palestinian
Maha you are amazing and beautiful and real sweet
I study hebrew online (and by myself), I love languages =)
Your lessons are really nice.
Looking forward to your next video… thanks!
Nice videos!
I’ll try to watch’em all and learn this language, is my pasion to learn laguages, so , if you want to know some japanese, feel free to ask…….
See ya!
hello for Polish Witaj 🙂 , you are crazy hah for Polish szalona ,
where are you from for Polish skąd jesteś 🙂 How is your peace for polish – jak się masz , I dont speeak eanglish very well hmmm I lisening you and I teach hahahah super you are my Teacher 🙂 ok this is some Polish word ,How your name – Jak sie nazywasz , How old are You – Ile masz lat 🙂 ok The Best regards and spokojnych świąt for english peace christmas
evenume shalom a’lekhem
Great lesson in greetings! Toda!
@xxeb4sgxx may be she is palestinian like me!
shaloom & sallaam
you’re a fantastic teacher!