Learn Hebrew – lesson 1 – The Hebrew Alef-Bet | by eTeacherHebrew.com

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Home Education Learn Hebrew – lesson 1 – The Hebrew Alef-Bet | by eTeacherHebrew.com
Published on July 25, 2011
eTeacherHebrew posted video:

Visit: www.eTeacherHebrew.com Facebook www.facebook.com In this lesson we introduce the Hebrew script (print and cursive letters, writing from right to left), and learn the letters: א (Alef), ת (Tav), ה (Hey). We will also begin to learn some personal pronouns.

  1. KoeKyokoush

    If you can bring some pictures, it’ll great. But basically yes. different people have different writing, so you can find a lot of ways to write this letter. 🙂 if you will come to Israel and ask people to write “אתה”, you’ll see the differences very clearly 🙂

  2. jenny80306


  3. asheeshpaul

    Its very nice course and useful

  4. johnguerson

    I have a doubt about the letter Aleph. I have done a little research on the internet, and i have seen this letter written in a different ways (cursive). They are all correct?

    sorry for my english,


  5. nadamoh45

    תה – אתה – את

    is it correct ?
    thanks teacher ^_^

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