The Hebrew Noun

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Home Education The Hebrew Noun
Published on February 21, 2013
LearnArabicwithMaha posted video:

finally a new Hebrew lesson! Enjoy it and if you have any questions please leave them in a comment and I’ll make sure I answer asap! Thank you !!

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  1. Wim V

    great lesson! can you do a lesson about a traditional israeli song? we used to sing these songs in the 60s here in the netherlands, but we never knew what we were singing 😉

  2. Martin Stack

    do you always need to use the – when you make a plural?

  3. analia225

    i couldn’t find any more lessons on the hebrew nouns. HELP!! I’d really like to see more hebrew lessons

  4. שירלי לוי

    תודה שאת עוזרת לאנשים לדבר בשפתינו הנשכחת

  5. jose luis medina

    Excelente video.Saludos desde Bogotá Colombia.

  6. Ulysses Baldez

    Thank you for your videos, they help me alot רב תודות

  7. HomeSkillayHomey

    so do the two fem. endings go for both plural and singular?


    Thanks. Maha, you have everything to be a good teacher.

  9. FeminineSky

    not all Arabs are Muslims , and not all Muslims are Arabs
    dumb head

  10. jody chavez

    great teachings Maha! Todah!

  11. Sigh Loud

    where to find a book to learn

  12. Peter Proctor

    נראה מבלבל. מעניין, אם כי

  13. Dave Lomax

    Thank you for the lesson well done

  14. Ilona Ion

    hy maha can u do more hebrew lesson with more vocabulary please ? it will be nice !

  15. Sarah Chemsy


    Maha is palestinian, not israeli arab.


  16. Ida C.

    ciao maha… innanzi tt complimenti, xké le tue spiegazioni sono sempre molto chiare… vedendo qst lezione xò mi è venuto un dubbio: ho notato che in ebraico nn basta aggiungere le desinenze tipiche del plurale ma che le vocali all’interno della parola cambiano… esiste una regola per spiegare qst alternanze vocaliche? grazie in anticipo…

  17. Shawn Hendricks

    This is a good video

  18. Michael De

    Maha tks for teaching. from USA

  19. xheinna11

    Nice lesson…
    I’m filipina trying to learn to read and write hebrew..
    Your videos are big help
    Keep up the good work..


  20. Cheryl Adams

    Thanks Maha for this lesson…I’m off for today but I will review and hopefully retain this lesson. One day it would be nice to actually have a conversation with an Israeli or Israeli Arab like yourself.

  21. Mohammed Dub

    she is muslim !
    And she is proud of that.

  22. MimusNajiuss

    Well she’s not, and even if she was, that’s a very ignorant comment, from an ignorant person I guess 🙂

  23. 1992tyrel

    Ciao !
    Mi consiglieresti un buon libro italiano di grammatica per l’ebraico “moderno” (su internet trovo solo dei testi per l’ebraico biblico) che mi aiuti a padroneggiare meglio la lingua parlata ? Ne avrei davvero bisogno per motivi di lavoro !! Se non esiste un libro in italiano ma esiste in inglese va bene lo stesso !!!!! Ciao grazie mille !!!!!

  24. ChavezRey

    Thank you for showing a great lesson and thanks for showing how much we have in common and how we young people choose a future of fun and peace

  25. Miami799

    She reminds me of Snooki.

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