A History of Hebrew Part 15: The history of the language

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Home Education A History of Hebrew Part 15: The history of the language
Published on June 6, 2015
Jeff Benner posted video:

A History of Hebrew DVD available through Amazon.Com – http://www.amazon.com/History-Hebrew-Its-Language-Philosophy/dp/1621370593 —————————…

Category :  Education
  1. SubZero7th

    I’m glad to see more parts to this series. You brought up ʿĒḇer and ʾĂrām.
    What about ʾAššûr and his descendants? From what I understand, ʾAššûr is
    their brother and the father of the Assyrians. Did they have their own

  2. yevgeni10

    where did you read that ??

  3. kidi1232

    you missed the point that hebrew was used by many jewish poetics. both for
    religious poets and both for other poets (poets about zionism, laments and
    even nature and parties) during the middle age.

  4. Jeff Benner

    You are correct, and actually my script included several others, but I
    decided to keep in very simple instead as this is probably new material for
    most people.

  5. rickydepths1

    Look not upon me, because I am Black… Song 1:6 (KJV) Were the ancient
    hebrews dark skinned people? Did Moses live as the Pharoahs alleged
    grandson? Was that Pharoah a dark skinned person? Did the daughters of
    Midian confuse Moses to be a black Egyptian? And they said, An Egyptian
    delivered us out of the hand of the shepherds, and also drew water enough
    for us, and watered the flock. Ex 2:19 (KJV) I love the scriptures for its
    plain truth.

  6. rickydepths1

    I am black, but comely, O ye daughters of Jerusalem, as the tents of Kedar,
    as the curtains of Solomon. Song 1:5 (KJV)

  7. Jeff Benner

    Thank you John, after months of working long hours away from home it is
    good to be back to a normal schedule :-),

  8. Tomislavv2

    @caribbeandiaspora Yeddish is in the name of your brain?

  9. Jared Young

    According to the bible the hebrews looked identical to the Egyptians. But
    the people in Israel today dont look like ancient egyptians. Thats because
    the Israelis of today Are descendants of Esau.

  10. Eyal Kalderon

    They are not descendants of *just* Esau because they are a mixture of a
    great many ethnicities, though they all have a common interrelationship
    with one another trending backward towards several middle eastern peoples,
    mostly the Hebrews. They all maintain a spiritual connection with Judaism
    and the Hebrews. However, Israel is a highly multi-ethnic country with
    people from all continents and all backgrounds/races, so generalization is
    basically impossible.

  11. Mencel89

    Mazel Tov!!!

  12. txvoltaire

    @caribbeandiaspora What is Yeddish? Does it have anything to do with

  13. Pfsif

    Keep em coming, you’re on to something!

  14. Greyshark09

    @SubZero7th 5 children of Shem – Aram, Elam, Assur, Arpaxad, Ludd Aram –
    Arameans Elam – Elamites Assur – Assyrians Arpaxad (Arpakhalad) – Apras and
    Khaldis Ludd – Lyddians

  15. Jeff Benner

    @caribbeandiaspora Could you site sources for this “information?” Your
    history of the Ancient Near East is, at best, unique. The problem is that
    none of what you have said can be verified by any reliable sources that I
    know of.

  16. andrjsh

    Dating languages are tricky, since archaisms can be very long-lived. Around
    the inner cupola of St. Peter’s is St. Peter’s commission in both Latin and
    Greek, though most people in Italy in the 16th century spoke neither
    language. What will modern archaeologists, picking through the ruins, think
    of that? In English, consider “Let there be light,” in which “let there” is
    an archaism; also “Merry Christmas,” & the American meanings of “mad” and

  17. Lypur

    great video!

  18. Deborah Swart

    @caribbeandiaspora Do I hear the pride of Ham echoing in your comment?
    (Gen. 9: 24-27)

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