orisin1 posted video:
learnhebrewconversation.com Learn Hebrew The Fun Way, Grab a free copy of The Hebrew Survival Kit at: learnhebrewconversation.com Join Our Facebook Group: Learn Conversational Hebrew. Twitter: StudyHebrew
Category | : Education |
Tags | : Conversational Hebrew , Hebrew Lesson , Learn Hebrew |
Also guys please press like on the video and make comments to bring more attention to conversational hebrew. so we get lots of members joining!!!! thanks jewel!
Ori, ma kore ahk sheli! Ori, chaver tov sheli! the last sentence is written ahk it sould be written A-HOT. (the h sound may be written as ch as well) or specified that it is the (hard h sound). Thats all. Everyone i hope is practicing and please make some videos of what u have learned so far. Would b really nice to see some videos guys!!!! God Bless you all!!!