orisin1 posted video:
learnhebrewconversation.com Learn Hebrew The Fun Way, Grab a free copy of The Hebrew Survival Kit at: learnhebrewconversation.com Join Our Facebook Group: Learn Conversational Hebrew. Twitter: StudyHebrew
Category | : Education |
Tags | : Conversational Hebrew , Hebrew Lesson , Survival Kit |
ha ha ha this is great… Im learning and my name was there!!!! its like Im really there…. Ani Julie! 🙂
@babykels777 Te-sha Es-re is 19 , glad you like the videos, please recommend them to you friends (:
I was wondering if you could do a video with more numbers….my Jewish friends ask me my age, and I don’t know how to say 19! Thank you for taking time out of your days to teach us Hebrew. I go to Lee University in Tennessee, and I am planning on going to Israel for my cross cultural trip!!! I was raised on respecting God’s chosen people and I can’t wait to see the Holy Land.
Toda for your videos and Shalom!
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