Learn Biblical Hebrew – lesson 20 – Qatal Verbs | by eTeacherBiblical.com

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Home Education Learn Biblical Hebrew – lesson 20 – Qatal Verbs | by eTeacherBiblical.com
Published on February 18, 2012
learnClassicalHebrew posted video:

Visit: eteacherhebrew.com In this lesson, we begin our discussion of Hebrew verbs. Like the nouns, Hebrew verbs are composed of a root and a pattern. In contrast to English, the Hebrew verb changes form according to person, gender, and number, so each conjugation has a different form, for almost every subject. Many different terms have been used by Biblical Hebrew scholars to describe the various verb forms. We name each verb conjugation after the 3ms (third person masculine singular) form, using the example root ק-ט-ל. We will practice some Hebrew sentence using Qatal. Facebook: www.facebook.com

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  1. arfmendel1

    Oh sorry what I really want to say is that I have always been writing Hebrew from left to right.

  2. arfmendel1

    written from right to left? I have always been writing Hebrew from right to left.

  3. learnClassicalHebrew

    @MrWollyBong Shalom,
    thank you for the question!
    Hebrew is written and read from right to left.

  4. MrWollyBong

    I just realized something. This may be a very stupid question, so I implore your patience. Hebrew is read left to right, but is written right to left? That just seems very awkward. So how does that affect sentence construction? I’ve only just started in learning Hebrew, so please excuse my ignorance. Japanese has some strange concepts, but this one is very much more strange to me than anything Nihongo threw at me!

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