Evolution in the Bible pt. 2: Dinosaurs in the Bible

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Home Education Evolution in the Bible pt. 2: Dinosaurs in the Bible
Published on October 9, 2008
DanielLevesque posted video:

The mysterious bird-lizard of Leviticus, dinosaurs in Genesis and Exodus, and some fun lessons in ancient Hebrew. If you don’t speak Hebrew you would never know this stuff.

Blame bad translating for any mix-ups. Yet another reason to learn Hebrew if you are a Christian.

Do try to remember that the words we are used to using, like “dinosaur” are only a few hundred years old, and the Bible is thousands of years older than the newer words.

Oh, and I’m trying out something a YouTube buddy mentioned and sticking “Kent Hovind” in my tags just to see if it really does boost my views. I trust that this won’t be too offensive since this video is a creation / evolution video.

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  1. SapperK9

    Surely the “evolving” science of physics is, and the texts of man must be placed in context? Logic is! Hence I ask:

    1. Why would a “son” want us to worship him (and his horrific death process) rather than his Father whom so empowered and created him?

    2. Who is the man in the book of James?

    3. Where is the logic of the Moses ben Maimon – RAMBAM?

  2. gabiotta

    The bible does not specifically mention dinosaurs, this is just another example of creationists thrashing around and trying to force a square peg into a round hole. Even if big lizards is the translation, there are some pretty big lizards around today living in that region.

    HAHAHA and then when talking about this whole thing from a scientific perspective, you still have to fall back on burning bushes and staffs turning into snakes.

    Thankyou you have darkened my day with your ignorance.

  3. septigus3

    Short insult:
    You Twat!

  4. Sybsop

    Several things come to mind after watching this video. First why include archaeopteryx if it lived in the Jurassic period and was long gone when humans came.
    Second, while I applaud the fact you have no problem with evolution, you say that god works through these natural processes. I wonder how you get around occam’s razor? Science can explain things rather well without invoking god, adding god to those theories is rather superfluous isn’t it?

  5. kilroy1964

    Big lizards or big reptiles are not “clearly dinosaurs”. (especially since dinosaurs died out 65 million years ago). In modern Hebrew tannin is crocodile and this is based on ancient Hebrew. Crocodiles did exist in biblical times. So I think it’s much more likely that the references you mention are in fact referring to crocodiles.

    On another note, I guess your not aware that most “evolutionists” in the world are also believers, so there is no connection to atheism.

  6. DanielLevesque

    Tinshemet has actually been translated as “owl” “barn owl” “swan” “mole” “thrush” and many others. This is because the meaning of the word was lost to antiquity, though the use of the word reemerged when Hebrew was ressurected with the founding of modern Israel.

    Tanin = lizard. You obviously weren’t paying attention.

  7. kilroy1964

    Short Hebrew lesson:
    Tanin = Crocodile
    Tinshemet = Owl

    Short Technology lesson:
    YouTube is not Radio!

  8. MattleSystem

    Ark story comes from Gilgamesh legend from Mesopotamia, as the rest of most bible legends! Bible can’t be true, because there are so many mistakes in it, so many contreversy, so many illogical acts!

    Well, between getting the faith and getting the rationality, there is a gap!
    Like a rabbit leg, or black cat, have a 13th friday… Just popular idea! nothing real, just coincidence or pure fiction!

  9. normangbates

    “BTW, only needed 2.”

    Of every clean beast thou shalt take to thee by sevens, the male and his female: and of beasts that are not clean by two, the male and his female.

    That is a lot more than 2!!

  10. normangbates

    “Methodological Naturalists love the Noah story for the physics of it.”
    Because it isn’t possible!

    “Personally, I would like to see the physics for raising the dead, turning water into wine, feeding 5,000 with so little food, and having 12 baskets full at the end.”
    Another magic trick

    “Nonetheless, the Ark saved life”
    Ark: proof the ark story was real.
    Take the hight of the highest mounain, calculate how much water needed to cover the earth to that altitude!!

    Titanic sunk, So, your point is?

  11. normangbates

    “70% of the earth is covered in water as we speak.”
    That doesn’t mean 100%.
    You are still missing 30 of land, since earth is a sphere it would take tremandous more water to cover the rest!

    “they couldn’t because you said so, gotcha.” No ther couldn’t because we have something called CONTINENTS.
    Or do you expect ALL landdwelling species on other continents to be able to swim thousands of miles

    “BTW, only needed 2.”
    2 animals or 2 of each species?
    That makes an large volume, do the math!

  12. normangbates

    Gawd, another CENSORED video..
    (how typical).

    Remember the Dover Trial?

    It’s to complex for me to understand, only conclusion is “bleu dotted purple pixies from andromeda” must have done it.
    Nope -> false dichotimy

    “C – Questions evolution and debunks it.”
    Debunks it?”
    Where is the testable, repeatable, and falsifyable proof?

    Dude, you don’t even UNDERSTAND evolution!
    Debunking evolution isn’t even no proof for creation: false dichotomy!
    Proof creation with testable repeatable proof!

  13. jazzyhap

    Methodological Naturalists love the Noah story for the physics of it.

    Personally, I would like to see the physics for raising the dead, turning water into wine, feeding 5,000 with so little food, and having 12 baskets full at the end.

    Nonetheless, the Ark saved life, the Titanic took it.

  14. jazzyhap

    “There isn’t enough water on the planet to cover the entire earth.”

    70% of the earth is covered in water as we speak.

    “Not all the animals could be in walking distance from that boat.”

    they couldn’t because you said so, gotcha. BTW, only needed 2.

    “There wasn’t enough room on the boat to hold all the animals.”
    Because you say so again.

  15. normangbates

    “Amateurs made the Ark.”
    There isn’t enough water on the planet to cover the entire earth.
    1.400.000.000 km^3 water isn’t enough to cover all the land including the mountains.

    Not all the animals could be in walking distance from that boat.

    There wasn’t enough room on the boat to hold all the animals.

    What did they eat all this time?

    Carnivores would need to eat other animals!

    Do the Math!

  16. jazzyhap

    And for those who want to know the REAL truth about Bacterial Flagullem, watch this video:


  17. jazzyhap

    And of course, video watch?v=K_HVrjKcvrU ended all comments with:
    “Creationists: please get educated before attempting to comment on my videos.”

    Derogatory statement.

    Notice the pattern?

    E – Evolution is an unquestionable fact.

    C – Questions evolution and debunks it.

    E – Derogatory statements.

    But the evidence stands.

  18. jazzyhap

    The video watch?v=K_HVrjKcvrU closed it’s comments because creationists kept debunking it.

    Here is some of the last comments:
    C-“the precursor of this secretory system would be missing a part and could not function, and natural selection would eliminate that.”

    E-“The ten parts arose through Evolution of course. The precursor could function as something else.”

    Then it was shut down.

    “By evolution” (that is a belief, not science.)

    “something else”
    (A theory, and a bad one at that.)

  19. jazzyhap

    “creationist zealot fundementalist Denialist.”

    Derogatory statement.

    “You clearly have no knowledge about evolution”
    False statement, I do, and evolution is wrong.

    “To worsen things even further you just accept outlandish Hovendish explanations (baseless assumptions)”

    Like recorded miracles.

    “but demand evidence for something you are clearly not capable to understand.”

    It’s evolutionists who are clearly not capable to understand evolution , please watch this video:

  20. jazzyhap

    “Nope if it is explained, then we have testable proof of what it is,”

    lol, so something MUST QUALIFY ITSELF for it to be proof? That is narrow minded. God must submit Himself to be nothing more than your laboratory rat and qualify Himself to you before what He does becomes evidence?

    “Actually I STUDIED it, you haven’t clearly!!”
    You didn’t study science, you studied a Methodological Naturalism Philosophy of science, nothing more.

    “Your Belief in creation has NO proofs”
    Bacterial Flagellum

  21. normangbates

    Your uneducated guess what evolution actually is is typical for a creationist zealot fundementalist Denialist.

    You clearly have no knowledge about evolution, you don’t understand the mechanism and clearly have false understanding how it works and what it does.

    To worsen things even further you just accept outlandish Hovendish explanations (baseless assumptions) but demand evidence for something you are clearly not capable to understand.

    I am done with you denialist zealot.

  22. normangbates

    “if it is “explained”, then it is evolution.”
    Nope if it is explained, then we have testable proof of what it is, not necesary evolution.

    “Your narrow minded is NOT science … ignore evidence.”
    Actually I STUDIED it, you haven’t clearly!!

    Science isn’t “Methodological Naturalism Philosophy” it Proved and Testable.
    Something your BELIEF (!) isn’t.

    Your Belief in creation has NO proofs, and attacking evolution doesn’t give you any other proof for your BELIEF.
    That would be a false dichotomy

  23. jazzyhap

    “Medical miracels are nothing more than UNEXPLAINED.”

    So lets get this straight, if it is “explained”, then it is evolution.

    If it is “unexplained”, then your faith is totally that evolution will explain it.

    In other words, when someone prays for someone, and marking from the moment they prayed, something “unexplained” happened.

    Your narrow minded Methodological Naturalism Philosophy is NOT science, but the absurdity of sticking your head in the ground to ignore evidence.

  24. MattleSystem

    Yes and there is another word in a big book which is “grocondabruti”. There is no translation in english!
    I suppose because it is used for a dumb man and also sometime to define a creationist, i could say that would mean that creationist are dumb!
    What a science! And rabbit is like a camel, or bat like a bird! Yes true it is in the bible as well! So Stupid!

  25. normangbates

    For someone demanding aunreasonable amounts of proof for evolution, you are surprizingly oversatisfied with circumstantial (at best) “evidence”.

    Ohhh my, “. A secular source said that 3 out of 4 doctors say medical miracles are still happening today.”
    Medical miracels are nothing more than UNEXPLAINED.
    It’s not that the Flying Spagetty Monster himself came down and healed the patient with his noodled appendage.


    You are even not trying anymore..

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