JesusfreakPC posted video:
Conversational HEBREW for beginners with Greetings & Salutations – In this video, you will learn some very useful Hebrew language, wherein you can even learn…
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OMG, your handwrite is so perfect ….is a specific pen? I’m sorry for my
bad english.
todá rabá
Actually My school started 2 weeks ago but I started a little bit late 🙂
Most of people can read the words slowly but correctly in my class. But me
and some other people still cannot read. My university teacher taught the
basic information (letters) fastly to me. But It was not enough for me. But
I get it done myself. I’ll keep watching your videos. I hope I am gonna be
better than my classmates through you! THANKS MY DUDE! GREETINGS FROM
The same with me – I am not a Jew – but I love Jewish people and Israel so
much, beyond human understanding – and this is why I started learning
Hebrew – so that I can relate even more to the God’s chosen people. Reading
a Hebrew Bible is my ultimate goal. Thank you for your videos. They are
truly helpful and inspiring! And funny! 🙂 Shalom!
By the way, which kind of pencil is it? I want to buy one.
Great to hear, and I wish you good success in learning Hebrew. Practice
writing and saying, and I’m sure it will get better and better. Cheers.
Not a pencil. It is a calligraphic pen, which you can get Amazon dot com,
but any medium calligraphy pen will work. That is if you want to be
artistic with your Hebrew letters. Otherwise I suppose a pencil would work.
Good luck with that.
I am a Hebrew Language and Literature student in an university of Turkey. I
was doubting about that I’m reading false. But I’ve been sure after
watching this video. Thanks for upload! Btw, I am reading correctly now.
Thats cool, how did you learn how to say each word
Thanks very much. Glad to hear it. I have not even begun, nor am I sure
that I will continue on to learn the cursive Hebrew writing. I just really
like printing Hebrew and think that the calligraphic pen really helps to
make it look so good, even if my skill is not so much, lol. I’m not legally
Jewish, but the Jews are my people (go figure). Thanks much for watching
and commenting.
Was simply saying that you don’t write in the script you’re writing in. If
you’re wanting to read the original language of the Tanakh, then learning
Modern Ivrit will not help considering it is written in Ancient Hebrew. If
you want to keep your belief in Yozke, then reading the text in its
original language isn’t a good idea.
i found your page from survival or edc bags, just be nosy realli saw this
… impressed
I’m sorry, is there some reason you feel the need to tell me the difference
between printing and writing cursive? I surely know the difference, and I
am learning this with the hopes of maybe one day being able to read the
original language in the Bible. And the Holy Scriptures were not written in
cursive, now were they? If I feel like also trying to learn cursive one
day, so be it, and I will.
Ah, the vowel points pretty much tell you how it should sound, but for
anything you might have doubts about, there are plenty of resources out
there. Just type in Hebrew in the search and lots of vids where you can
generally find what you need somewhere. Hope my vids are in your pool of
resources, but lots of more professionally done videos out there done by
people who actually grew up with the language, thus the title, Teaching
Myself Hebrew…:) Thanks for checking it out. Appreciate it.
When writing Ivrit, you don’t use the script you’re using. That script is
for printed texts, whereas when writing you use the cursive script. You
don’t find anyone who writes in the block script.
Todah rahba, and Shalom in Jesus’ name..
Shalom JesusFreakPC – You had inspired me to start writing the printing
Hebrew letters so that I can easily recognize them when I see them – I will
not start learning cursive until I learn fluently the printing letter –
otherwise, I will confuse myself and get discouraged. Thank you and keep
doing your videos! Shalom! I was wondering if you are a Jew? 🙂
Ah, I see. Very kuel. Thanks very much.
Very impressive my friend!! You sure know your stuff. I think it would take
me for ever to learn a new language.
Good for you. I’m sure if you are taking Hebrew Language and Literature at
a university that they are able to teach you correctly. I, on the
otherhand, and only a person trying to teach himself, and might make
mistakes, and have made mistakes. Thanks for checking it out. Cheers.
Hey, thanks very much, brother. Sad to say I can actually write Hebrew
fine, but I couldn’t converse with it much at all. Big difference between
being able to write it and read it, or actually talking back and forth with
people. Oh, but not actually having anyone to speak Hebrew with is a big
hold back too. One day, who knows? But thanks much for checking it out.
Appreciate it greatly.