Learning the Hebrew alphabet is the foundation of study.
Use this video to see, hear, repeat, and learn.
Here are the letters – the rest is practice.
Presented here are the 22 letters of the Hebrew Aleph-Bet, simply, without digressions.
This is a learning tool, and it is a meditation tool. Anyone can benefit from this simple repetition, level of experience makes no difference. This means that the most raw beginner or the most seasoned davvener have the same access to the Holy energy of Emanation contained in these sacred shapes and thought-forms.
Keep in mind that 8 of the letters sound differently depending on punctuation. Another feature is that 5 of the letters have a slightly different shape if they occur at the end of a word. Details of these variations are shown in the other videos I’ve posted.
Entering the Heavenly Halls of the Letters
Meditation on the Hebrew letters is not so much a human activity as a supernatural act, in which we break down the barriers of our natural existence and reach into the divine world. Each letter is a garment provided for our benefit, so the creation energy they house will be intelligible to us. Concentrating on the letters, their shapes dissolve and the Holiness in the letters is revealed. In Hebrew prayer, an extended meditation on the letters and their combinations, we carve them with breath and set them in the mouth in 5 places, to carefully pronounce each letter of the 5 families. We carve them with breath, contemplating each letter carefully, concentrating on the breath that is exhaled while it is pronounced. We set them in the mouth, meditating on the place in the mouth with which the letter is pronounced.
While speech itself involves Binah consciousness, the pronounciation of the letters is an automatic activity, and hence, it involves Chochma consciousness. With this exercise, the initiate learns to make use of the letters with Chocma consciousness, and by pronouncing them physically, clothing them in Binah. It is through this exercise that we learn to use the letters as Paths of Wisdom. The mouth speaks, while the Spirit provides the thoughts. Surrendering to the letters, the intitiate is like a torch, fueled by Holiness.
[Paraphrased from the Holy Baal Shem Tov z”tzl, Aryeh Kaplan, and Gutman Locks]
A story about the great mystic, the Arizal, Rabbi Isaac Luria of Zfat, cabalistic master of the 16th century, tells of a penniless, unlearned Jew who was in the back of the Bes Midrash [study hall] reciting the Aleph-Beis. The Rebbe asked him what he was doing, and he said he wanted to pray to G-d and only knew the letters, so he said “Please, O Master of the Universe, take my letters and form them into words that will please You.” The heartfelt prayers of the poor villager, saying only the letters, exclaimed the Rabbi, meant more in heaven than the lofty prayers of himself, the great Arizal.
Writing and thought about “Kabbalah” are shells, layers of thought, or separation. The core of the learning, the deepest of the mystery, is in simply experiencing the letters, uttering them, learning them, and absorbing them on a “cellular” level. With that in place, the rest of your research will flow naturally and joyously, with a solid foundation.
There are many good sources on the web with Hebrew learning tools; use wikipedia for details and background on a great variety of Judaic topics – they also provide links to many authoritative sources.
Because of the availability on the web and elsewhere [books] of much of the information, these videos will focus on more specific areas, and also attempt to be more than learning tools – they are also meditations.
Intended for use by all levels of learning, these videos are ‘instant immersion’ into the very roots of Kabalistic experience.
Please note that the common pronounciation of the letter called “dalet” is “dawh let” and NOT “day let” like I say in the video. Pirke Avot says “learn in order to teach” – and I’m still learning, but teaching a little bit too. If anyone can tell me how to overwrite youtube files I can correct it without deleting it and starting over, I’ll be glad to do it….
Idiotic comments are removed regularly; that’s why the conversation stream may seem a little disjointed.
Category | : Education |
Tags | : Hebrew Alphabet , Hebrew Prayer , Repetition |
thak you is help to lerarn te hebew lengages and invites te ear meny times.
It’s not that hard actually
Blessings & thank you. I understand that English is Hebrew in it’s alphanumerical Reverse. The godless pagans of Babylon created the english language to spiritually handicap the masses. I know the only wat to find God is through his Holy Language. Thank you & Blessings.
Hebrew and arabic are like the same thing almost all leters that you said are just like the arabic languge but not the same order. and the pronouncing is a little diffrent.
Good video! Very relaxing
Just to clarify – “Bible” is a Greek word used by Christians to describe the Torah, which they attached to their writings, which they call the “New Testament” [as if G-d changes his mind…] which was written in Greek nearly 2,000 years after the Torah was given at Sinai.
אלף בית גימל דלת הא וו…
good luck to you
I know arabic and now i’m trying to learn Hebrew. Looks cool and is very similar to arabic since they are both semitic languages. Pc
This is amazing.
The Torah physically starts from Bereshit and this physicality is represented by the letter Bet which represents multiplicity (ie: transition from spiritual to physical) — the idea that Bet and Bracha are the same philosophy (see Maharal who explains that Gemara and argues the Ibn Ezra’s opinion there).
The Torah spiritually starts with the aseret hadibrot. And as I said earlier… The Aleph represents spirituality, and that is why the ten commandments start with an Aleph, “Anochi” (I am).
Kabbalistically I disagree 100%. Though I would probably not want to discuss such things on Youtube.
Aleph was NEVER considered according to that Gemara (on purpose!).
The letter Bet is the letter that represents physicality whereas the letter Aleph represents spirituality (it has no pronunciation in the physical world (unlike that of an ayin)).
That is why it is never even considered, never has the chance.
The reason as to why it is first in the asret hadibrot is a good question.
The whole story goes like this:
The letters jumped from the crown of the Creator, starting with Tav, pleading to be the first letter said.
Every letter has a shortcoming, disqualifying it, until Bet, the first letter of “BeRESHeet,” (in the beginning), the first word in the Bible.
Aleph was left behind, so God compensated by making Aleph the first letter of the alphabet, and of the 10 commandments.
“…The twenty-two letters of the alphabet descended from the crown of God wheron they where engraved with a pen of flaming fire.
They gathered around about God and one after another spoke, each one, that the world be created through him…”
from: The Zohar, the Book of Splendour by Moses the Leon, 13th century
at goldenmean(.)info
Thanks – I’m so glad it’s appreciated! Anything to bring healing to the world . .. .
Thanks so much for this glorious video. And your website (ifdawn) is OVER-THE-TOP AWESOME! It’s got to be the most comprehensive site on the mystical disciplines on the internet. You have really done a good thing by putting this info out there. Bright blessings always…
Yes, I’m saying “day-let” and it should be “dawh let” – I can’t figure out how to overwrite files in youtube, so it compounds the trouble of changing it….
However the “name” of the letter is said, it has a “D” sound in words and is only called by its name when it’s isolated, which is only in a case like this, so there’s not that great of damage. It’s good though, that people are aware of it. I’ll put it into the video info. Thanks!
The letters in this video are similar to the ones you would see in an actual Torah scroll, which are written in a form of calligraphy.
For someone writing with a pen or pencil, there is a separate “script” alphabet in Hebrew, just as we have with the Roman alphabet (used to write English and many other languages).
You should correct the pronunciation of the fourth letter. It should be “DAH-let.” In other words, the ‘a’ in the first syllable should sound like the ‘a’ in “A-lef.”
todo raba !
i have hard time to read hebrew word because i confuse h and m for example !the only way i correct myslef is by reading it wrong and realizing it is nonesense than i read it right!hebrew is semetic language as arabic !
rosh ashana is ras sanna in arabic the same meaning :the head or beging of the year ! actualy all earth languages stem for aramaic
all world language borrowed from the source!
:)this one of my favorites!thank you for reviving it! god bless
we can say it appears more as ‘Lamed’ revolving in that capstone of the Great Pyramid, or literally a crystal ‘benben’ or crystal pyramid of same dimensions/measurements/angles with a beam of light shine down into it. Lamed revolving, as shown in the capstone on the cover of “The Secret In The Bible” by Tony Bushby, casts shadows, which are the glyphs veiled by later taro(t), and which divine script the toraH was written (hebrew derived from). Rota means rotation, or evolving, revolution, taro.
the jew’s are such interesting,mistic and wise persons with such an interesting but difficult language.i study hebrew at school but i would like to impruve my language and spelling…can anybody help me??as i suppose you’ve noticed allready,it has a lot of signs,mainly consons,the vouels are used only by the novices…i could really use some help… bless tou all…peace from cluj,romania
I don’t wanna be mean, but it would be more enjoyable if you got a more Smoother mic. And by the way, what’s the name of the background music?
תּוֹדָה רַבָּה
I’m a kabalah and ivrit student living in Italy.
Toda raba for posting this and the other wonderful videos regarding this ancient and precious teachings which speak to the heart of the entire humanity.
Bless you
Cristina Unterberger