Learn Hebrew with HebrewPod101.com posted video:
http://www.HebrewPod101.com/video Learn useful Hebrew numbers with our Hebrew in Three Minutes series! In Israel, knowing numbers is important, and this step…
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rav todot :)
one bad thing is that i keep looking at the english pronounciation instead
of looking at the hebrew writings !
אחת ולא אחד. לפחות כשמלמדים עברית, מלמדים נכון, בלי שגיאות. אחת, שתיים, וכך
hello there..I am a subscriber of your whole pod101.com,I was wondering
that if I could get the whole levels by signing up your site,& what would
be price for each levels
Will you continue the hebrew alphabet lessons ?? They were so good!
Thank you for your question. When you subscribe, you get all levels. Asking
what level you are helps us show you where to start. Thanks again!
NEW Video Lesson!
Hebrew in Three Minutes – Numbers 1-10
In this lesson, you’ll learn how to count from 1-10 in Hebrew. Subscribe to
our YouTube channel for more videos!