You want tips so: 1. Say Bevakasha without the “H” 2. When you say Ei fo
hamizvadot – say amizvadot. without the “H”. 3. Don’t say: Shrotei. Say:
Shirutei. 4. Dont’s say: Shmol, Say: Smol like: “Small” in English. 5. In
Bayit word try to say: Ba-eat (like eat in English)
So how about recording yourself and sending it to someone? you putting it
online makes it confusing for people who have simply looked for Hebrew
I’m not teaching. I am practicing. The video description says practicing
Hebrew. I put these videos up so I can learn better and get tips on how to
pronounce better.
Nice attempt, but I have to agree with some other posters. In modern
Israeli Hebrew, a “hey” at the beginning of a word is unpronounced; also,
you seem to consistently misprounce the “k” sound in “boker tov” and
“bevakasha”. The sound is a “k” as in kite, not the guttural sound found in
His pronunciation is very bad, no offence Mark. the ה is just an h sound
not the hard kh sound. ק is just a k sound. But other then that good job,
especially with your R’s they were excellent.
Guys, learning to speak hebrew does not need to be hard (I used to think it
did). I’ll give you some advice right now. Look for a method known as
Practicorex Hebrew (search on google). Seriously, thanks to Practicorex
Hebrew I have learn how to speak practical Hebrew in quick and easy way. I
probably should not even be mentioning it because I don’t want a bunch of
other guys out there running the same “game” but whatever, I am in a great
mood today so I will share the wealth haha.
1. Speak Hebrew with your native accent. That would me much easier and much
more understandable. 🙂 2. A ק is pronounce like K. In a lot of work you’ve
pronounced it KH. 3. When there’s the letter H, than doesn’t always mean
it’s pronounced KH, as in “Efo Ha’Bank?”. 4. You pronounce KH way too hard.
Try to say it like H. 5. The ? in Hebrew is written the same as in English.
6. you wrote כו instead of כן in the beginning. 7. Sherutey, not Shrutey.
“Left” is “Smol” (as in Small). Your Hebrew = 🙂
You want tips so: 1. Say Bevakasha without the “H” 2. When you say Ei fo
hamizvadot – say amizvadot. without the “H”. 3. Don’t say: Shrotei. Say:
Shirutei. 4. Dont’s say: Shmol, Say: Smol like: “Small” in English. 5. In
Bayit word try to say: Ba-eat (like eat in English)
So how about recording yourself and sending it to someone? you putting it
online makes it confusing for people who have simply looked for Hebrew
It’s very good, and you did all the vowels right. Yay! (I hear a lot of
people mess them up)
it looks like you spellt sfina with a mim sofit instead of a samekh…
Pronuncia do inferno
Thank you for your comment. I will keep practicing all my languages and
improve my pronunciation.
Okay. Thank you.
1:11 kinda racist??? 😛
I am learning. I never said I can speak it. I am just practicing.
I’m not teaching. I am practicing. The video description says practicing
Hebrew. I put these videos up so I can learn better and get tips on how to
pronounce better.
u saying it wrong its not bebakhasha its bebakasha k not kh and also in the
boker tov in many words..
this is so wrong its retarted!!
Nice attempt, but I have to agree with some other posters. In modern
Israeli Hebrew, a “hey” at the beginning of a word is unpronounced; also,
you seem to consistently misprounce the “k” sound in “boker tov” and
“bevakasha”. The sound is a “k” as in kite, not the guttural sound found in
why did you make this video if you dont speak heberw. almost all you said
was wrong
very very very bad pronunciation! please don’t teach pronunciation if you
don’t speak it appropriately.
Man if you don’t know Hebrew don’t try to learn from the internet, you have
mistakes in all of the words.
Boker Tov and Slicha is Excuse Me not Sorry.
The ‘kuf’ is not pronounced gutterally…
Not bad man!
His pronunciation is very bad, no offence Mark. the ה is just an h sound
not the hard kh sound. ק is just a k sound. But other then that good job,
especially with your R’s they were excellent.
Guys, learning to speak hebrew does not need to be hard (I used to think it
did). I’ll give you some advice right now. Look for a method known as
Practicorex Hebrew (search on google). Seriously, thanks to Practicorex
Hebrew I have learn how to speak practical Hebrew in quick and easy way. I
probably should not even be mentioning it because I don’t want a bunch of
other guys out there running the same “game” but whatever, I am in a great
mood today so I will share the wealth haha.
1. Speak Hebrew with your native accent. That would me much easier and much
more understandable. 🙂 2. A ק is pronounce like K. In a lot of work you’ve
pronounced it KH. 3. When there’s the letter H, than doesn’t always mean
it’s pronounced KH, as in “Efo Ha’Bank?”. 4. You pronounce KH way too hard.
Try to say it like H. 5. The ? in Hebrew is written the same as in English.
6. you wrote כו instead of כן in the beginning. 7. Sherutey, not Shrutey.
“Left” is “Smol” (as in Small). Your Hebrew = 🙂