Hebrew lesson: greetings and simple vocabulary

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Home Education Hebrew lesson: greetings and simple vocabulary
Published on October 14, 2015
goangelina posted video:

Hebrew vocabulary words! Basic conversation and phrases.

Category :  Education
  1. BeliefUnseen

    This video is good. Would be better with the English spelling underneath so
    people can follow along better though.

  2. lildj52007

    great video!! can you teach me more hebrew words!! please! Toe Dah(thank
    you) Shalom(bye)

  3. SinnFein4ever

    In Hebrew, one writes/reads from right to left. Which is great for those of
    us who are left-handed. 🙂

  4. thejarptube

    Hey nice Video! I have a hebrew lesson too! Take a look on my channel!

  5. blanco vida

    could you speak a bit louder and repeat the words,thanks.repeating the
    words is better

  6. MesopotamiaGod

    Great post, I have always had a fascination to learn hebrew, and this has
    been a marvellous help. Thank you, ܐܬܘܪ‎ / אַשּׁוּר‎ / Assur

  7. blondexjew

    @SinnFein4ever oh my gosh, i’m moving to Israel in a few years and i just
    realized that i’m right-handed and writing isn’t exactly my forte to begin
    with lmao

  8. 11784iceman

    Very nice you made my day thank you (VERY MUCH )

  9. 21931788

    thank you for posting! easy to follow easy to understand…now i can speak
    to my mechanic!

  10. laChabela42

    Thank you for this wonderful lesson. I am trying to learn Hebrew on my own
    and you are very helpful.

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