meypole posted video:
This lesson provides an overview of Hebrew and the letter Shin of the Hebrew Alphabet. Messianic Judaism Network:
Category | : Education |
If you are new to the Hebrew lessons, watch the lesson Introduction. It
explains how the lessons are put together with videos and tests. The
lessons dealing with the Hebrew alphabet are not complete. I hope to have
the last few alphabet lesson finished soon. Also, there are many
conversational Hebrew lessons. I recommend the Weather lesson. I use the
phrases everyday with my wife and you will be speaking Hebrew soon by
talking about the weather. Shalom!!
I watched your lesson #1 Jim and you reaaly did a wonderful job teaching
it. I will continue to go on with these as I think it’s great. Keep up the
good work… Shalom from Doris Erickson
Thank you Jim, I always wanted to learn Hebrew and thanks to you, I could
start learning. Excellent job, very well done. Thank you and Shalom to you
and your loved ones.