TorahTruth posted video:
Discover more – Topics *Giving the tools to check everything said on the show *Differences between the lexicons associated with th…
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I didn’t get to watch yet but am about to, I want to type this before I
forget, if anybody knows my question please help.
Is it possible to translate from the english text into the greek or hebrew
or aramaic text?
Because the original writings were translated into english, but the english
words are not the correct translations here in 2015.
So how can you use the english KJV or geneva text to translate back into
It should be the original ancient writings translated into english with the
words proper meaning, otherwise we don’t have any clue or idea what God is
telling us in The Bible.
So since these Bibles clearly have different meaning back 2000 years ago
than they do now how can we know for sure what God is, and what He wants us
to know?
Can we pray and tell God I want to live my life right please God or Yah
lead me on the correct path to you and to not be lead into hell.
This world this culture we are seeing according to modern english scripture
is a culture that is completely damned to hell, it cannot be this bad can
Something is wrong here sometimes I feel like I’m the last sane person
around and that everybody else is living there lives care free, but I’m
under constant guilt & cant get anywhere in life because I’m afraid that
God will punish me if I do something wrong, plus I have a disease called
hypersexuality bi-polar and it causes me to sin when I don’t want to, but I
also believe having high Morales causes me to sin more.
Anybody want to chime in on this?
What never made sense to me is why God had to create the tree of life and
tree of knowledge in the first place. He should’ve known something wrong
was going to happen. Why didn’t he just stop Eve from attempting to eat the
fruit. He must have known that Adam and Eve did not hold the knowledge or
experience to know what would happen. They did not know any better. Just
like kids.
Paul, who is a fallower of Jesus, said, by the unctioning by the HOLY
SPIRIT, for us to be as the Borians and study the word to show ourselves
approved. We should question and study everything that anyone says, even
the Word. We need to pray about what is writen. Then, we will see what is
really writen, and what GOD really says, just like the people of TorahTruth
have probebly done. Paul was tought by the SPIRIT of GOD that a lot of
what is being tought in religion is fauls. We all need to do research to
know what we are being fed.
Author of channel is jewish not christian so….
How do you know what year The Lord is returning
There is no W in Hebrew. I love how people learn something in five minutes
and think they are obligated to share their flawed view. Be patient and
come to your conclusions slowly. Don’t keep rushing it or it’s gonna give
you a false truth.
learn Hebrew and study Torah – you will G-d
I need a transcript of the audio for me to read.
There is a screeching high frequency echo that makes my ears ring painfully.
Why couldn’t this person have use better recording equipment?
some good things in there, but not all quite right. especially about
faith. it says in his word that you cannot please him without faith.
I do not agree with what is said from 6:59mins to 7:16mins. Man was
created to grow and be like GOD, but knowing right from wrong was to be set
apart for GOD. That’s why we were not to eat from the tree of the knowlege
of good and evil. That tree was the first instance of a tithe. Of all the
trees we could take part in, but that tree was to be set apart for GOD, and
man was to be good. All knowlege was to come from GOD. We were supposed
to go to GOD for all knowlege, not to have it for ourselves. Not to attain
on our own.
this guy is an idiot
You will know G-D
I just recently purchased the Complete Jewish Bible. It is the Bible
translated directly from Hebrew to English, rather than Hebrew to Greek to
English. The Greek translation is not as potent as the Hebrew translation.
Some meaning is lost, then further translated into English, further dilutes
the original word.
if what you say form 6:59mins in to 7:16mins in is true that is what we
got when they eat form the tree of good and evil and if so it something we
must not use if we want to be like god god made us without the knowing of
good and evil, good and evil was in what they eat right
not what god put in us to be as him, so if we want to be like he have us to
be we must stop using the knowing of good and evil because he made us with
out it right what you all think facebook me nando Collins
But the issue is that the greek “Translation of O`” {also known as
Septuagint… and even ancient non-christian rabbins admitted in their
talmud, that Septuagint is inspired of God, but “only” for the
Pentateuch/Torah, that is, as they claim this “only”} of the paleo-hebrew
holy scriptures, centuries, BEFORE, the first presence of Lord Jesus
Christ, are based on much older paleo-hebrew holy scriptures, than e.g. the
hebrew Masoretic Texts, which they have been written, AFTER, many
centuries. BUT BUT BUT… this is NOT an issue of “sola scriptura”,… the
“deep” understanding, the LIFE in Christ. The Holy Spirit guides the one,
holy, apostolic and catholic(with the greek meaning of the word: to all)
ecclesia of God since sirca 2000 years now. It is a living promise, you
see, by Lord Jesus Christ and it doesnt matter if you are greek or h-ebrew
or…. After all the glory will go to God, stop the nationalistic vanities
and the vanities only i mean. God will glorify this which can accept glory,
into the eternity.
Is it true that the Greek Old testament original MSS LXX is older than any
known Hebrew Scrolls, And that Hebrew manuscript scrolls were translated
from the Greek Septuagint?