groomanb posted video:
Wait for it! The 12 second silence at the beginning of the video was necessary to synch up the slides, Much thanks to Eric Bissell and Dave Klug for their co…
Category | : Education |
I love this,at 50+ and learning Hebrew I need every advantage. I am in
classes,but this has really blown me away. It gave me a study partner who
will not refuse to work with me lol.
Very Good…
I think your song is wonderful….it makes me all teary! Aleph Tav
That is an awesome aleph-bet song, including the definitions of each
letter. Really cool.
One issue is the camel idea for gimel. In ancient Hebrew, according to Dr.
Jeff Benner, gimel just means foot or to walk and was originally turned
around 180 degrees, looking like a leg with a foot. The same idea can be
seen obviously in Yod, looking like a hand and elbow, meaning to grasp or
ssh o hi chin
Beautiful. Thank you.
Nice Work! I like it.
Todah achi… this is so TOWB for ALL ages!!! :0)
I observed that some of the Hebrew letters resemble the English alphabet
remotely. They remind me of the English alphabet, but turned in different
I have the video on powerpoint and the words/chords available, just email
me grromanb at hotmail dot com
Todah rabah mi toch ha lev.
ToDaH!!! I cannot explain why this song makes me cry….I love it so much!!
kee towb YaHuWaH! Barukh atta b’Shem YaHuWaH malek ha’Olam!
It’s for children of Yisra’el, of all ages 😉
Thanks…I tried to get Julie Andrews to sing this, but she was
busy…maybe someday ;^)
genius halaluYah
Todah Rabah!!! This is a great help to us! 🙂
I appreciate your input. I don’t consider myself to be a scholar of modern
Hebrew. I have read and listened to various Hebrew scholars, however, and
they have made statements that pronunciations re: the Hebrew language and
letters will vary, depending on location and time period. This particular
song is a “Paleo” alef-bet memorization tool, for children of all ages. If
you would like to use the concept of this video to create a song with
alternate letter pronunciations on youtube, be my guest.
You’re welcome, I’m glad the song is a blessing for you. I wrote it last
Sukkot, when we were driving home two deer crossed the road in front of us.
They were my “witnesses” that I needed to use the melody “doe, a deer” to
help people learn the alef-bet!
Eric lives near us here in Oregon and we’ve met him on several occasions.
His insights on the Paleo Hebrew letter meanings are fascinating and I’ve
used his translations on several songs this past year (including “Daniel
2012” and “Shuvah YHWH”) The rest of the story re: the alef-bet song was my
wife and I saw Eric at Sukkot last year near Salem. After his presentation
my friend Laura came up to me and said “I just can’t keep all these letters
straight, can you write a song that will help me?”
Best bet sisytem I tried that HOWTOBETONSPORTS.NETAU.NET System never needs
to be replaced, never needs to be updated, and never to fail
The Paleo Hebrew script goes back at least 5000 years and the letters have
changed slightly in appearance during that time. (I remember buying a
poster from the Hebrew University that illustrated this, when I studied in
Israel, back in the ’80s
Well, part of the reason is that I have been studying Eric Bissell’s
teachings for a while now. He’s one of my favorite people, and I haven’t
even met him, but there’s a good chance that I will this weekend, as he is
in Southern Cali. The other part is love for the song through Sound of
Music. So see how our AB ties things together?