Rabbi Mordechai Kraft – Secrets Of The Hebrew Language – Part 2

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Home Education Rabbi Mordechai Kraft – Secrets Of The Hebrew Language – Part 2
Published on August 26, 2014
TheJewishTorah posted video:

TorahAnyTime Website: http://www.torahanytime.com/ Rabbi’s On TorahAnyTime: http://www.torahanytime.com/index.php?s=rabbis Rabbi Mordechai Kraft On TorahAnyT…

Category :  Education
  1. Elie DeCastro

    @Diamond D G you don’t shine like a diamond

  2. G Hinckley

    Really,Adam had sex with armidillos and I’ve found no evidence that
    giraffes have a second heart.

  3. Rene Hoornweg

    Thank you for these video’s, I learn a lot. I know some Hebrew, but baruch
    ha Shem for these teachings!

  4. Diamond D Grier

    This couldn’t be true, this is something that you’ll did! A portion of God
    name is even in the Kings, Judges and Prophets names…..You have combined
    you philosophies and scholars interpretation to it, all those other book
    are not what God authored! It is true that it is a unique language is
    because God made it. But to call it your own as if God doesn’t approve of
    no one else is your own deception….Thanks

  5. Diamond D Grier

    God formed the heaven first before the earth and the people in it…. So
    you can’t say that God formed the alphabet and than the Universe or even
    the cosmos….The more you talk the more you lie! Genesis 1:1 said that God
    spirit formed the heavens before any animal and man was created!

  6. james prigioni

    Can I come learn Hebrew from you!!???

  7. Eromhsa1

    In spelling the word “Aleph”, he unwittingly computes their gematria as
    equaling I-I-I, three ones, and he calls it the ONENESS of G-d, or the
    Tri-Unity of the Godhead: NOT 3 Gods, but ONE G-d. This is the tri-unity,
    or Trinity of G-d.

  8. mark sheekey

    Rabbi were can i see your most recent lectures 2013 etc:

  9. maxavail

    how do you know when it’s in vain and when it’s not ? or maybe you’re
    refraining from writing God just in case it might be in vain and you might
    not know it ?

  10. TheJewishTorah

    Yes G-d is ONE!!! Thank You! For Your Comment!

  11. TheJewishTorah

    Thank You. G-d Bless All The Best!

  12. 2002vadimo

    When davening

  13. bobbie smith

    god is not a name but a title so why the trouble with writting it?

  14. dn2398

    Rabbi Mordechai Kraft is the best teacher here but he is running a collage
    in New York now you can get more Teachings from him and many more on

  15. THeRealTroy07

    Thank You for the Information, Hebrew is Profound.

  16. Melky Agustin

    Shalom! Rabbi Thank you very much for your interesting and amazing videos.
    They’re full and rich of bless information. I started 2 weeks ago to study
    Hebrew and my passion is because I want to discover more what YAHWEH said
    in to His Word? “The BIBLE”. Thank you again Rabbi. Best wishes in your
    ministry. Melky A. God Bless You.

  17. TheJewishTorah

    !תודה לך

  18. Helio graf

    Primitive understanding of the concept god is the kindest thing I can say
    about this comment.

  19. Bonnie Gail

    so funny, as he was talking about marriage without G_d means fire, in the
    background of the video was the sound of a firetruck going by

  20. TheJewishTorah

    Thank you for the comment! G-d Bless All The Best!

  21. 2002vadimo

    If u had more of these lectures that actually describes each letter and
    from different sources a person can real have real kavona (consatration

  22. Thomas Paine

    Hi Jewish Torah, I have a question that may be off topic but none the less
    I would like a answer if you can provide one. In Zekharyah 14:4 who is the
    prophet talking about?

  23. TheJewishTorah

    Good Question the reason is that in the Torah it says a person should be
    careful not to says G-d’s name or write it in vane that is one reason.

  24. Philippe Bitton

    חזק וברוך שלום ואהבה

  25. IrrepressibleGuile

    Hi JewishTorah, why do you write God as G-d? Thanks

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