A History of Hebrew Part 13: The Culture and Language Connection

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Home Education A History of Hebrew Part 13: The Culture and Language Connection
Published on April 18, 2014
Jeff Benner posted video:

A History of Hebrew DVD available through Amazon.Com – http://www.amazon.com/History-Hebrew-Its-Language-Philosophy/dp/1621370593 —————————…

Category :  Education
  1. Yaramyahu Yasharal

    Bullshit the so call Jews are not the original people of the land you
    fucking edomite i know who i am and for you motherfucker TIC TOC TIC TOC

  2. VictorLepanto

    So, tzitzit are like the fruit of the tree of life, the word of God?

  3. Aryan Barbaryan

    stop showing Hyksos as if they are Israelites

  4. Jeff Benner

    @Amocee This image is of a tradition orthodox Jew tsitsit and they do not
    use the strand of blue. But that is a good catch 🙂

  5. Deborah Swart

    does not Christ/Messiah say in Matt. 24:32; when the branch of the fig tree
    is tender, and putteth forth leaves, then one knows that the summer is
    near. Why? Because the blossom will soon appear, and with it, the promise
    of fruit. Branches are of course, also mentioned in Rom. 11. And with it
    the hope for leaves, blossom and fruit. Most, notably to me is that before
    the bearing of any fruit, there are the consequent steps leading up the
    growing and

  6. Jeff Benner

    Thank you Canadian.

  7. PunchOjr

    I believe it was a basic truth in that religion that was realize but git
    destortes in nation politics or to fit agendas! Yah simply set Israel in
    Egypt to be and outsider lookin in in the truth of Kemet Science an the
    distortion of and he reassemble it through them! Kind of like a reboot!

  8. Jeff Benner

    Thank you hope. This is a project that I have been wanting to do a for a
    long time but finally have the resources and time to do it. I still have
    much to cover but be patient, it may be awhile before the next installment.

  9. Jeff Benner

    @deborahbetty58 Or royalty :-), royalty is often connected to the color

  10. hopeforamerika

    This video is quite an achievement! I just subscribed to your channel &
    look forward to your future teachings.

  11. bible read

    Tsee-tseeth is used in Num 15:38,39 and Eze 8:3… and the tsee-tseeth is
    clearly pointing (spiritually) to Gods wrath. It comes immediately after
    the context of the man being put to death for picking up a few sticks
    (doing work on a Sabbath day), and in Eze 8:3 God lifts him up (by his
    what?) and points him towards the abominations of Israel. Fear the Lord

  12. bible read

    I enjoyed the historical aspect of video’s. However, I am frightened with
    the lack of mandate on Truth when it comes to the Bible. The Bible (Gods
    word) must be its own interpreter for spiritual, historical, and/or
    grammatical meaning, not man’s definitions based on pictorially derived

  13. elishebabb

    Thank you for these videos >> The directional path to dressing ourselves in
    NOS.15 ( from the mechon-mamre site )….38 ‘Speak unto the children of
    Israel, and bid them that they make them throughout their generations
    fringes in the corners of their garments, and that they put with the fringe
    of each corner a thread of blue’….they use the word “children” not
    “sons”. Isn’t this more accurate since the teaching is for both genders ?

  14. inter caetera inquisition

    Jeff What do you think about the lunar sabbath I am having trouble
    deciding. If I were to follow the lunar I believe it to be the 7th 14th and
    so on…

  15. Jeff Benner

    @Amocee I agree with you, by not having the thread of blue they are not
    fulfilling the command properly. Yes, I have and I will respond to them.


    @haughvilleol The hebrews borrowed alot from The Great Ancestors i mean no
    harm thats all i’m saying.. Hotep Fam::

  17. Pfsif

    Looking forward to anything else you got. I never felt comfortable that the
    NT was written in Greek and I don’t trust any translation…..just the Holy

  18. 1021kb

    This is excellent information Jeff but wow, this makes me want to
    cry…however it encourages me even more to learn the language, the
    function, not just the ‘decorative fringe’

  19. Jeff Benner

    @Julietwink Thank you, and I’m glad you found the video of interest.

  20. Deborah Swart

    ripening of fruit. Namely, the tenderness of the branches, the budding of
    the leaves, blossom and finally the fruit and its ripening process.
    Indicating that the journey and growing in faith, go hand in hand. Yah
    Bless & Love.

  21. LisaAngel1965

    I am ready for more! Looking forward to what you produce next! Blessings to

  22. jehovajah

    I believe this video resonates in synthesis of these realities. Carl Jung
    and Freud explored the perceptual and psychological disconnect that we
    adopt in cultural change. By a similar process we adapt to our local and
    thus traditional environment in an expression of adaptation we call
    culture. In these circumstances cyclical concepts of time dominate. For
    expanding empires an arrow of time dominates until stasis is achieved.
    Collective unconscious of many peoples stored in language/culture.

  23. Julietwink

    Very interesting. I am fascinated by languages! I only speak English and I
    am Christian but this is truly remarkable. (The Story of English is really
    fascinating as well. I am amazed at although there are so many languages so
    many of the words are almost identical.) In any case, good job!

  24. Jeff Benner

    @VictorLepanto The evolution from Hebrew thinking to Greek thinking did not
    occur at one specific time, but was a process over hundreds of years. At
    the time that the lxx was written, the Hebrews were still speaking Hebrew
    and had retained some of their cultural heritage, but had shifted toward a
    more Greek outlook. However, after the Bar Kochba revolt, they were taken
    away from their land and culture and the shift toward Greek was escalated.

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