A History of Hebrew: Introduction

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Home Education A History of Hebrew: Introduction
Published on May 21, 2014
Jeff Benner posted video:

A History of Hebrew DVD available through Amazon.Com – http://www.amazon.com/History-Hebrew-Its-Language-Philosophy/dp/1621370593 —————————…

Category :  Education
  1. simbbam

    my god there are so many errors in this video, whoever provided the Hebrew
    examples for this series definitely does NOT speak Hebrew…

  2. bob norwalk

    Hebrew is Greek by Josef Yahuda

  3. sbz666283

    the All humanity is jewish is false. the same theology that claims all jews
    are black also believe that the bible started in america is georgia. they
    also claim that all evidence of isreal in the middle east is false which
    doesnt make any since.

  4. LaSheuMusic

    Part8.How did the first fathers drew symbolically the Strength of their
    tribes? Alphabet number 3 that means “Strength” is drawn as a staff with a
    hook that represents an Elbow symbolizing a FOREARM. Now the image of
    alphabet number 5, which is the image which meaning symbolizes the origin
    of that Strength ,is drawn similar to alphabet number 3 that means
    “strength”; but few lines representing the writings are added to alphabet
    number 5 to make it the image symbolizing the Origin

  5. sbz666283

    nope, that is an error. if that was the case which DNA wise it isn’t is
    that in the hebrew is that moses was called out by his sister inlaw for
    marring a black women. Native jews in isreal looks no different then arabs.
    the whole docterine of all nations being isreal is not the case. the only
    reason people think true jews are black is because of the fact that all
    humanity is isreal and that africa is judah is someone who knows nothing
    trying to be smart. dont fall for the scam.

  6. Jeff Benner

    @sniperkwg Whle I am Messianic (of sorts) I find the Messianics better at
    conveying the Hebraic and Jewish concepts in the Bible, but like all other
    translations, they are biased. My recomendation is to compare various
    translations. Most Christians just use different Christian translations, I
    recommend a couple of Christian ones (my recomendation is RSV and YLT),
    Messianic ones (Scriptures 98 and Stern’s Complete Jewish Bible) and Jewish
    ones (Stone’s and Sencino).

  7. LaSheuMusic

    Part7.How do all Hebrews people come to know the origin of their STRENGTH
    and the origin of their old House? It is through reading correctly the
    information, and understanding correctly all the lines of the sacred
    writings they left about Abraham, and Yahweh their God, our God, included
    the alphabet. It is through the correct knowledge of the writing of their
    instructions, that one knows the Origin of the Strength that has been
    sustaining the tribe for centuries

  8. Jeff Benner

    @TheSexymonkey567 Yes, this is very true.

  9. Jeff Benner

    @sniperkwg That is great, glad to be of service.

  10. DieCrackerDie4

    @redlightdeath Those Amalekites in Gen.14 were Hamites, the grandson of
    Esau was named Amalek also, any descendant of his was known as an Amalekite
    or Amalekites jackass, just like the tribe of Judah (of which you’re not
    satan) his descendants would be called Judahites, Benjamin = Benjamites,
    Levi = Levites etc. so like I said you are an Amalekite devil, only thing
    getting stomped in here are the lies your Edomite forefathers taught you
    that you were a Jew, Hahaha what a joke!

  11. LaSheuMusic

    correctly in our language “Aleh, Be’h, Gy’ih, Da’le’h, Hey”, these old
    Hebrew words means “He Said I AM, The STRENGTH OF THE HOUSE COUNTRY PLACE
    OF ORIGIN.” Conclusion. The image of alphabet number 5, is not a man, but
    is the drawing of the symbol that means “Origin”, the symbol of the origin
    of that STRENGHT mentioned in the sentence form by the 5 Hebrew words
    above. It is also the drawing of the symbol of the place of origin of their
    old House. How do all Hebrews people come to know the origi

  12. Jeff Benner

    @sniperkwg In Biblical Hebrew it is ארך (areykh), but you don’t need
    patience, if you don’t like the video just go to another one 🙂

  13. LaSheuMusic

    Part9.The lines of writings informing about the origin of that strength as
    well as the origin of their old house, meaning the people. The Forearm is
    Yehsuah, Jesus the son of Yahweh our forefather. What else do they say
    about our language?. This was just to help you. Hope it does…

  14. demoniclordwizard

    to ancienthebreworg, your videos are fantastic man , they truly let a
    person with no hebrew knowledge understand better what the original texts
    are really saying. Thnx for the videos man , having something like this on
    youtube is truly appreciated.

  15. DieCrackerDie4

    @ancienthebreworg Where did they get their pronunciations from?

  16. Kevin Reynolds

    @ancienthebreworg don’t worry about him, he’s just one of those crazy
    satanic cults that think Isrealites are really Khazars (a theory that was
    debunked long ago), and that black people are really israelites. crazy
    right? if you just ignore his babbling nonsense he eventually disappears.
    nice video by the way.

  17. Jeff Benner

    @MrsChariM Thank you. 16 parts are complete, with 4 more parts to go.

  18. Nisan Nova

    Jews being their descendants

  19. DieCrackerDie4

    @redlightdeath You’re an Edomite satan from the line of Amalek you cave

  20. Baranyain

    Your e-mail doesn’t work on your webpage.

  21. Kevin Reynolds

    @jimbojamesIV that’s funny, because i speak hebrew. “ish” (not ayish, the
    Aliph is silent, it takes on the form of whatever vowel is under it) means
    male. it can be used for “a male person”, but “adam” means man. Zacar means
    more along the lines of “manly” or “macho”, it comes from the hebrew word
    for “penis.” and even though many black supremacists would have you believe
    that hebrew originated in africa, hebrew has direct ties to aramaic, which
    influenced all middle eastern languages.

  22. Kevin Reynolds

    @DieCrackerDie4 there is no evidence that the Amalekites are the sons of
    Esau. there was already a nation of Amalek, that was not esaus’ grandson,
    described in Genesis. Further, there is no evidence that people were
    “brown,” as if you could read hebrew you would know that people were
    described as red and ruddy. furthermore, in lamentations 4:7 says Israels
    “princes were brighter than snow and whiter than milk, their bodies more
    ruddy than rubies, their appearance like lapis lazuli.”

  23. DieCrackerDie4

    @redlightdeath Nope the word for man is Ahyash not Adam, the word Adam
    means ground you dummy, Adam was dark brown not red like you Edomites,
    Isaiah 29:22 Therefore thus saith the LORD, who redeemed Abraham,
    concerning the house of Jacob, Jacob shall not now be ashamed, neither
    shall his face now wax pale. What did the N. American Indians call you
    white people? PALEFACE got that you leprous paleface, Jacob shall not wax

  24. FlyingAxblade


  25. Kent Gooch

    Don’t know Hebrew for “patience” is but apparently I’m lacking. Is this DVD
    done yet?

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