Lesson 402- A Study of Ancient Egyptian and Hebrew Language- pt 1 of 5

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Home Education Lesson 402- A Study of Ancient Egyptian and Hebrew Language- pt 1 of 5
Published on August 14, 2014
TStheEducator posted video:

This is a 5-part Lesson** Lesson 402 is the introduction to a progression of Study, with a focalization to show and prove how the Ancient Hebrew language w…

Category :  Education
  1. TStheEducator

    @TStheEducator jew [and islam/christinsanity] was the result of political
    means to extract all that was autochthonous to Ku-Kongo.. including The
    Land. However, IFA/AFA, Nana [hence the KiKuma ‘NN’], etc. all precede the
    ‘abrahamics’. However, to justify the protocols leading up to the Ma’afa,
    they all had to use propaganda to prove to the world why it was ‘necessary
    and ordained by g-d’ that Ba-Kongo should be slaves. This, specifically,
    became the birth of jew, islam and christinsanity [cont.]

  2. TStheEducator

    @TStheEducator This is My mission. Nothing else.

  3. wassupzaf

    @TStheEducator (1) May i be so bold as to suggest that Yoruba-Dogon borders
    onto african gnosticism and/or african mysticism over base myths. You may
    choose to believe as you will, but you seem to be suggesting a cross
    polination of core beliefs & traditions with Judaeo-Christianity via some
    sort of linguistic medium. (feel free to graciously correct if i
    misapprehend). My issue is that if one attempts to apply the method you
    propose in a broader sense, the language degenerates into gibberish.

  4. UrDesignatedShooter

    hello i was trying to find your lesson on batwa and patwa and there
    meanings. because i wanted to ask if there is a connection with why
    jamaicans call their native tongue patwa or patua. i am jamaican by the way
    and always wondered why we call it that. i ask so many people no one knows.
    when i look it up it is spelled patios but thats a french word meaning
    jargon. but linguist say it doesnt have a meaning. makes no sense to me and
    it is not a language i disagree

  5. TStheEducator

    @TStheEducator The Psychological fragmentation methods of the Ma’afa opened
    the door for them to sell Ba-Kongo-Beto these ridiculous ideas of
    ‘israelites’ and ‘moors’ and ‘nations of islam’, etc. Take notice.. Dr.
    W.D. Muhammad, the great Dr. Khalid Muhammad and the great Dr. Malcolm X
    All taught a Ku-Kongo origin of Our People, and focalized their efforts on
    Our disposition.. and you take notice that they were all ex-communicated
    from the NOI. This should tell you something loudly and clearly..

  6. Josip Burjan

    VERY interesting BUT one PART of deception is that Black people was
    was the tall white snow face beings;they been evil and LORD Save NOACH who
    is been half Black-poant-when they start NEW era in TURKEY they ARE
    beggining to be whiter etc…

  7. Ya N'Dongu

    @Tauemyah read Albert Churchward and Gerald Massey, good book to understand
    this video. The truth is not enough to convince humans, it takes image( the
    white man) as well.

  8. Ya N'Dongu

    @Tauemyah Yu cant study the ancient from the european, arabs perspective or
    record. Yu cant take th european, arabs, sound, written record, version of
    words, as the source to study th root of the Ancient world They did this
    with Ancient egypt and look what they came up with: tutankhamun, Nerfetiti,
    all this are nothing but english words. all language are related, all
    language started in a single place, I sugest we study th African language
    so as to find th answer to th ancient world.

  9. edrubangura

    What’s up, the Educator, As always, I am impressed by your scholarship on
    our history. I am looking forward to sit down and view this whole lesson.
    Thanks again for your dedication to freeing the African mind from zionist
    western slavery. With that being said, I have been suspecting for a while
    that the Hebrew Israelite sect might been created by USA intelligence, CIA
    to devide African-Americans from Africa. Fortunately, it never took off
    like other sects such as the Mormon sect.

  10. TStheEducator

    [ Brother SORRY for i used YOU BUT YOU BE PROUD on me…mask falling;) ]..
    Indeed, umfowethu. How so? Do you mind explaining further?

  11. TStheEducator

    @mosthighservant Regardless of what you get out of them.. as long as you
    have gotten *something* from them.. I have done My service. Shikhama..

  12. wassupzaf

    @wassupzaf (3) I very much look forward to viewing your presentation,
    because you have clearly gone to some effort, and your pursuit (if i’m not
    mistaken) of attempting to educate your brothers in the reclamation of
    their history & identity, is laudable, praiseworthy, & i for one, applaud

  13. edrubangura

    @TStheEducator Only someone sincere, can expose the Bankers and the
    Rothschilds. He may disappoint believing so much the founder of the NOI but
    his fruits are positive such as being sincere and brave, to warn African
    leaders to be careful about the Western agenda in Africa. check the vid
    below, and not to mention his support of Gaddafi.
    watch?v=phhRGO_QWfA&feature=channel_video_title As for Scientology, no
    organization is perfect. And still Tom Cruz seems to be friendly because of

  14. TStheEducator

    @wassupzaf I appreciate your interest. I Am not trying to change what
    anyone be-Lies [believes] in.. be it a black rock in mecca or a miracle on
    25th street. If it gets someone through the day so they can sleep better at
    night.. the peace be to them. However, Reality is a matter that needs no
    explanation. The only time there is need for explanation is when Reality is
    dichotomized into ‘personal views’. I make My best effort to present
    Reality.. and leave ‘views’ to be discussed to the viewers.


    @TStheEducator yep i love how your at least putting forth and effort for
    truth…africa was known anciently as eden…egypt was not called kemet but
    mizRAIm or the land of ham….so called egyptians are gods people the so
    called israelites are the lords inheritance not the white mans…you might
    be pro afrocentric but lots of this info turns on white men…ptah is a man
    made idol that can not hear or speak…this is why egyptians so called
    africans where conquered and scattered…

  16. Josip Burjan

    BLACK;depends where they escape after(after 2000 YEARS is stupid to
    BURY AND ROMAN FIRST GOD JAN…guglet brother peace to You…language
    “glagoljica”is key because have Hebrew Greeks Phoeanici-AN;)Cannan letters
    and people called ILLIRI-AN=GOD LIGHTEN PEOPLE…

  17. Ya N'Dongu

    @NegusNigist the Albert churchward and Gerald Massey have told this long
    ago on their books

  18. TStheEducator

    If Patwa is actually the french ‘patois’, then were did the french get it
    [even pre-Gaul]? There is no such thing as an original european language,
    and they were all taught language from Black People.. whether in kwaUmama
    KuKongo, Sindh or from the Original Blacks in europe itself. Now, if there
    is a connection with Jamaican and the KiSwahili Patwa, meaning ‘eclipse of
    the Moon’, then Our Research can start there and work back. Let Me Know
    your thoughts, umfowethu..


    @TStheEducator people are suppose worship the father almight power who sent
    jesus..budh, mumu and the crew…i. have the testimony of christ and i
    worship and only glory the creator of heaven and earth if you choose to
    call him ptah so be it but dont expect me to think that clay figure is
    god….the most high and spirit is the potter not the clay…dogon
    backwards is nogod andthats what you are lawless

  20. TStheEducator

    @edrubangura Welcome.. the comment and input are much appreciated. ‘With
    that being said, I have been suspecting for a while that the Hebrew
    Israelite sect might been created by USA intelligence, CIA to devide
    African-Americans from Africa’.. This is an excellent observation. This
    same strategy gave birth to the NOI.. funded by the same payrollers as the
    kkk. The whole ‘hebrew israelite’ concept is based on the ‘babel’.. which
    was a greco-roman concoction. [cont..]

  21. edrubangura

    @TStheEducator Agreed! You are spot on, man! The same, I also suspect the
    NOI being the creation of the CIA. That maybe the reason why Malcom x left
    it. While Farrakhan maybe sincere, but YES, the birth of the NOI may have
    been funded by the enemies of the black people. Fear any party or
    organization that promotes divisions between people! The elite can’t
    survive if the people are united! That’s the reason while the zionist media
    has been promoting racism throughout centuries in this country.

  22. NegusNigist

    @TStheEducator There was actually 2 directions for that expulsion: South &
    NORTH! Read Secrets of the Exodus by Messod & Roger Sabbah. It is the best
    book on this subject. Near the end of the 18th & beginning of the 19th
    dynasty, the Egyptians exiled their dissidents. This is explained in the
    Stela of Restoration where it explains how they were driven out from both
    ends of the land: North & South. One group went North into Canaan, the
    other went South into Africa.


    @NegusNigist the bible..no one living today truly knows the ancient
    egyptian its all false linguist grammarians

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