Learn with Hebrew Videos — Understand the Weather Forecast in Hebrew

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Home Education Learn with Hebrew Videos — Understand the Weather Forecast in Hebrew
Published on February 4, 2013
JoelYaronPub posted video:


  1. gershonwachtel

    Fabulous-I’ve been looking for something like this for a long time!

  2. Nina Menkes

    SUPER EXCELLENT, LOVE THIS, would like to have news (real news) fragment every day in the same manner THANK YOU! (you should keep the hebrew for the second part)

  3. heathercolors

    NES, BH! Need the word for: always. I want to say that ‘hearing’, while in the Sts., ‘Saturday’ said ‘correctly’ made me ‘kvel’, BH! Nu? BH! Need more for relatives, while I do cancer trtmt., BH. Have a nonsmart cell. BH! Another ‘nes’! Nechama Ahavah raba, BH! (Only have a little gelt, but: Gam zu l’tova, BH!)

  4. pios2060

    Thank you for the audio. To be frank the recordings and video was to fast for any significant comprehension on my part. I could only make out a word here and there. Probably because of my lack of hebrew vocabulary and am not use to hearing the hebrew spoken at that pace. The same effect happens when I tune in to Israeli radio via the Internet. Thank you again and I wish you can continue your presentations. Lehitraot.

  5. Hadassah Lerner

    This is great!! Toda raba!

  6. fismartha

    For me, it is a wonderful exercise to get use to the pace of radio news broadcasts. I could understand most of the sentences, but the pace, at first, throws me off. Being able to listen to the material slowly, with self imposed pauses, allowed me to comprehend so much more at the normal pace. Very nice!

  7. eb3harmony

    todah raba 🙂

  8. Claire Perets

    Thanks very much for all the feedback, which we will bear in mind when we do our next video

  9. jorehovot

    I agree with Tehilla and the others, it’s a great way to learn. Keep ’em coming Claire!

  10. dukainerocks

    I do wish there was Hebrew transcription without the Nikkud, maybe at the end when doing the original speed along with the English. Other than that, this is great practice. Practical applications are great, since the textbook way to say things and the way things are actually said can be quite different. Thanks for the video!!

  11. Tehillah Hessler

    Thanks Claire – this is a great learning format for me. If I watch/listen another dozen times, I might just be ready to listen to the radio and understand some of it.

  12. bea baldridge


  13. SandyyZ

    Good practice

  14. delilah6131

    thanks very much Clairevery helpful 🙂

  15. Paul Linden

    Thanks Claire, that is very good piece. 

  16. etzion1976

    I thought it well done, however, I require a considerably more difficult example. Would that be possible?


  17. Jacalyn Scott

    Awesome Claire! Thank you, it was very helpful to have both the Hebrew and English subtitles and to have the pauses. This is, in fact, the way to learn Hebrew.

  18. Robert Barzelay

    Great help….Keep this up….The news’ Hebrew is tough and a real a pain in the ears 😉

  19. maddux314

    Keep ’em coming. Good job!

  20. Rachel Gordon

    Great idea! Thank you so much. I like the format with the pauses, both languages, and repeat. By the last listening, I really was understanding what they were saying. Kol haKavod!

  21. kittynof

    Thanks for the video Claire. Great opportunity to practice skills and improve vocab.  Wishing the end portion also had the Hebrew Subtitles, even more so than the English ones. Seeing the text while listening to it is very helpful. Biggest win here is the breaking down of this stream into individual and understandable words and phrases. thank you!

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