Instant Hebrew: Learn to read Hebrew in 2 hours

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Home Education Instant Hebrew: Learn to read Hebrew in 2 hours
Published on January 11, 2013
S. Young posted video: – Learning to read Hebrew is about as easy as watching TV with this online video course. And it takes just 2 hours.

  1. veganfemale

    of course it will happen automatically, but what do we do until we get there:-) the vowel system is the most important bridge for us non-hebrew speakers, an in most lessons exactly this part is somewhat neglected. i’m trying to create a readable font of braille, which contains the transliteration of latin, cyrillic, hebrew and arabic. in braille, hebrew vowels are indicated as letters, but in order to do it correctly, i must learn hebrew writing, and the vowels are my steepest hurdle.

  2. S. Young

    Actually, it is not so hard. As your Hebrew improves you will see that you will start to be able to read some words without the vowels once you know them. It is a natural process that happens by itself. For example you can probably see that שלום spells “shalom”. So that is one word you now know without vowels; just keep learning! 🙂

  3. allstepsto

    A great way to learn Hebrew

  4. KongJulian2k

    Just like in arabic, impossible to read without diacritics -.-‘

  5. TidbitsofTorah

    One should know that hebrew letters do not have sounds until the nikkuds are added to it. The nikkuds are what makes the letters have the sounds,

  6. YonaArieFeinberg

    שלום, הזמנת חבר לערוץ
    ”אל האמת” – שמע ישראל
    מועדפים סרטונים 175 – FAVORTE MOVIES בנושאים שונים ומענינים. הדברות. זוהר. קבלה . ועוד..
    שירים בעברית 181 – HEBREW SONGS
    שירים ביידיש 200 – YIDDISH SONG
    ניגונים 116 – MELODIE

    topics.Commandments. ZOHAR. Kabbalah. And more

  7. VVFlyingVV

    עם אתם יכולים ליקרוא את זה אתם צריכים לדעת עיברית מצויין כבר 😀

  8. lahav1

    just want to wish all my brothers and sisters good luck with Hebrew!!!

  9. zobielamouche1

    many palestinians know this “language” better than zionist squatters in palestine (who belong to poland, russia,..). but their mastery of “hebrew” is not of avail for them, on the contrary, when they come to a “check point” with zionazi soldiers who origin from (for example) the former soviet union who are less fluent in “hebrew”…(zionists always fight their internal rivalry at the expenses of the “goyim”, especially the palestinians)

  10. riadtel22

    what is the difference between these two vowels ??

  11. octogirlpretty

    Very good points, thank you! I wrote that some time ago, over a year, and I’m far better with reading Hebrew than I was then. Your comment is encouraging though, again, thank you! :))

  12. callowaymotorcompany

    its so much easier to read with the vowel dots, i cant read modern hebrew at all because i dont know hot to pronounce the words :/

  13. bitmasala

    i like it thanks..

  14. reginaDexant

    I also wanted to say that I am a lazy student, but the Grammar Page, the Page where the alphabet is, teaches you the pronunciation of Words, the sounds of words & helps you understand the vowel system of Hebrew. Then you can pick up the language on Hebrew music vids & travel linguist vids. I like Professor Parsons teaching on the Jewish Holidays& Shabbat-I never miss checking the site blog. I have learned so much about Messiah.Hebrew4Christians FREE and Priceless! Ohev Yisrael, Reg

  15. reginaDexant

    I am not French, I am American of German & Italian descent. I don’t know why my Channel was in French. I don’t speak French. I understand Hebrew very well, I speak it very little, and read and write it even less. I have only studied at Hebrew 4 Christians for 2 years. I do it as time allows. I can say, it was really helpful to me while I was in Israel. I could understand much of what the people were saying-the songs and prayers of the Hebrew Bible are prevelant every day in Israel.

  16. valerie16000

    Hi Regina,

    Are you french? I have checked your page it’s all in french, where are you from? Do you speak hebrew fully thanks to this link / website? Thanks

  17. reginaDexant

    Gladly :-)! It is indeed Hebrew 4 Christians, just google it. I did two years ago and put it in my favorites so that it is easily available. I hope it means as much to you as it has to me. I have learned so much, praise God! I started with the Grammar page and learned the Hebrew aleph-bet, explored each site, including the glossary and have been so blessed. May God richly bless you as well,

  18. valerie16000

    Hi Regina can you give me the name or link to this website? Is that the one referred on the video?
    Thank you.

  19. valerie16000

    nice little lesson, I found it easy … but yet it’s only one letter or sound anyway it’s my first ever lesson after all!
    Any more links for the other letters / sounds? Can we have that same letter without the little dot? I will check the website anyway. Thanks for posting this video!

  20. kel464

    Free Palestine 🙂

  21. blkdiimondz

    well what’s that mean? bah…

  22. 1993jew

    harrrrd to speak!

  23. LifeGivesUsHope

    right to left

  24. BringersOfTruth

    always right to left

  25. angrycitizen7

    right to left

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