Home Education Teaching Myself HEBREW – Learning to write cool Hebrew letters with style – שָׁלוֹם – Shalom
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Teaching myself HEBREW – Learning to write cool Hebrew עִבְרִית letters with style – שָׁלוֹם – Shalom. Hopefully, this will be a fun and educational series t…
Category | : Education |
Tags | : Educational Series , Hebrew Letters , Learning Hebrew |
Thanks much. Ya, love those pens. Looks terrible with normal pens. Thanks much for watching and commenting. Appreciate it.
Ah, you’re welcome. Love those pens. Thanks much for checking it out and commenting. Appreciate it.
Great teaching I will go out a one of those pens!
Great tip. Toda!!! =o],
awesome. Glad to hear it. Thanks much for checking it out and commenting. Appreciate it.
Truthfully, I never have been able to pick up any language, which is probably why I like writing Hebrew. For some reason, even though I can’t speak it and understand it fluently, I like writing it.
By the way, your video inspired me to learn Hebrew
Nice video! Have you ever thought about one day learning Aramaic? You should listen to the Aramaic Lord’s Prayer, it’s very peaceful 🙂
Ah that’s kuel. Notice that when you first wrote that, you didn’t explain it like this, and mostly just said the Hebrew vowels are the Spanish vowels. That is why I said they are not related in any way. You explanation this time is much better, and I can see that you are only saying that they sound similar. Thanks much for sharing. Appreciate it. I’m sure many languages have different similarities.
the vowels sound like the Spanish vowels a,e,i,o,u. you should look them up they sound just like the Hebrew vowels and the Alefbet most of the letter have the sound of the English alphabet except for Chet, Khaf and Resh which is R, it is rolled like in Spanish I actually am studying Hebrew know Spanish and know English and saw these similarities but everyone learn differently and sees differently I just though that was cool and posted a comment.
Ah, believe me when I say that Spanish is in no way related to the Hebrew language, even though some things may seem the same or sound the same, this is an ancient language of God’s chosen people, and I think trying to tie Hebrew together with Spanish isn’t really sound in any way. Thanks for checking it out, though. Appreciate it.
the hebrew vowels are the spanish vowels with enlish sounding alphabet with the exeption of chet and khaf that is cool
Whatever…it seems like you don’t like what I am doing and how I am doing it. Those are Hebrew letters, and that is all I am interested in, knowing nothing about any ashkenazi script; neither do I care about any ashkenazi srcript. It’s Hebrew letters, plain and simple, and as a Gentile saved by grace and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, just doing the best I can to teach myself Hebrew, which is a hard thing to do when all the people I have for examples all say and do it differently..
I was taught otherwise in Jerusalem when I lived there, and have heard many Jews and Rabbi prounounce it shin and sin, so I suppose I have no problem sticking to what i was taught. Thanks for watching and commenting. Appreciate it.
that is an ashkenazi script you are teaching.
shalom, shin is pronounced Sheen, and seen
Oh, I am so glad to hear that! Thank you very much for your respond! O, obviously, misheard it. You are very original in your teaching, and you are a blessing to the body of Christ for the Glory of God! Shalom! Shalom!
Amen. Let God be magnified; thank You Jesus. God bless you in Jesus’ name.
Even sloppy handwriting can look good with calligraphic pens, heh, but slow down and the Hebrew will look great. Thanks for watching and commenting. Appreciate it.
HI, I just noticed you name- I am also Jesusfreak!!! Look forward for more lessons. Shalom!
Thankfully, it was, indeed, my first lesson in writing! And it was awesome teaching as I would consider my writing sloppy. But I am not going to be sloppy in writing this holy language. God bless you!
So sorry, not a translator. You could check for a website that might do it for you, or google it for information. But that is about as far as I can take it. Good luck to you.
hi can u pls translate dis to hebrew…TRUST TO GOD NO MATTER WHAT! im from Philippines thx…
Hey, thanks much for checking it out and commenting. Appreciate it.