Hebrew – Learn how to speak it with Matan Stein- Lesson 1

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Home Education Hebrew – Learn how to speak it with Matan Stein- Lesson 1
Published on January 13, 2013
Matan Stein posted video:

Shalom! If you always wanted to speak Hebrew, you might want to check this first lesson in everyday colloquial Hebrew. No homework or memorization, simply jo…

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  1. margarida nowheretobefound

    This is very helpful. toda

  2. crimzenballer1

    I don’t know if i got this right, anyone who speaks hebrew and watched the video, did i get these right? i was a bit confused.
    He-> Hoo

    Is he there?  A foo hoo

    No, he’s not there, he’s here Hoo shun, hoo shung or
     Lo Hoo Lo Shum, hoo shung?

    He’s here  Hoo Po

  3. crimzenballer1

    Thanks alot sir! I’m going to Israel in a few years to meet someone and this will definitely come in handy. Thanks alot man! Can you do a video on how to read hebrew please?

  4. Yahuwdah Gil

    more leearning vids please… much more

  5. Laura Beach

    This still surprises me, just how many people don’t know about Practicorex Hebrew (just google it), even though a lot of people learn how to speak hebrew because of this training program. Thanks to my mate who told me about Practicorex Hebrew, I have learn how to speak practical Hebrew in quick and easy way.

  6. Yahel schory

    and here is “kan” not “po”

  7. Yahel schory

    אני יודע עברית ואתם סתם טיפשים חהחהחהחה

  8. Andera Mcclelland

    Its still surprise me, just how lot of people have no idea about Practicorex Hebrew (just google it), even though many people learn how to speak hebrew with this method. Thanks to my mate who told me about Practicorex Hebrew, I have learn how to speak practical Hebrew in quick and easy way.

  9. Adi A

    שלום, תודה רבה! It is a great course

  10. aratinga388

    Shalom!! and Toda raba! YOU ARE THE BEST!! thank you I will come back for more !!

  11. Matan Stein

    Well, why not indeed? :)

  12. shemai yisrael

    I wish i could live in Israel

  13. shemai yisrael

    Shalom Im Portuguese & I love Hebrew

  14. dragonchosen549

    i’m doing this for lo mevater

  15. Matan Stein

    Toda raba, Eleandra! I’m happy you liked it! 🙂

  16. EleandraFQ

    Great lesson, toda raba!

  17. Matan Stein

    toda raba (Thanks (you) a lot)! I” do my best to add some new lessons.. behatslakha! good luck!

  18. Matan Stein

    Shalom! Toda (Thanks) 🙂 Actually, the basic Hebrew grammar is not so unfamiliar to modern european languages’ speakers!

  19. Imahni Dawson

    This is incredibly helpful. You’re the best I’ve found on Youtube. Thank you!

  20. Matan Stein

    Bevakasha!! (welcome!) I hope you’ll enjoy the lessons..

  21. wazer7693

    toda raba !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! merciiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

  22. Matan Stein

    I’m very happy to hear that! 🙂

  23. Ksanthipa

    thank you fantastic..am doing Ok! surprised i thougt hebrew is so difficult language..but its not so bad..at all

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