HebrewPod101 posted video:
http://www.HebrewPod101.com/video Learn to introduce yourself in Hebrew with our Hebrew in Three Minutes series! In Israel, manners are important, and this s…
Category | : Education |
Tags | : Learn Hebrew , Manners , Three Minutes |
hey my new hebrew name is : ch ch ch ch ggg gggggg gggggggggggg
very sexy lady, all these freakin women are hot, can I get an ugly one for once?!?!
simple to learn and very useful .joy
Great video.
I’m studying Hebrew online, and this vid is really helpful. Thank you!
Hebrew (maybe Arabic?)
What language is most closely related to the verbal aspect of Modern Hebrew?
no, thats more like Yiddish…. which practicly dead now
Is the verbal communication of Modern Hebrew directly descended from German?
I definitely learn something. the sound of the letter “h”, how is it that sound like an “r”, but it really as decoded for me a lot of the problems I had in previous attempts at learning Hebrew.
It’s very interesting. I want to learn Hebrew!!! Thanks
amm..well.. i don’t know if there’s alot i could do for u in this comment…
i haven’t watched any other videos and i don’t know how many of them are there but if you watched all of them and your hebrew still poor than this videos aren’t that great..i guess..
well.. if you have any other place i could send you longer comments or stuff than maybe i’ll send you a lesson about א-ב.. but then again.. i’m not really a teacher, and i’m a 12th grade studentnso i’m really busy..
but i will try to help..
Please help me?
I am from United States (Virginia)
I am at the beginner’s basic. I do know what the Hebrew Alef-Beit is and I know only a few phrases.
where are you from..?
well they are very close to each other..[=
what language do u speak..? if it’s english or something similar then it’s probably hard because this languages dont have the ח (ha/hu/ho/ah) at all..
you just need to work on it.. when i imagine it it sounds really stupid and fanny, but if you want to speak hebrew you must know how to say it.. [=
נעים מאוד.. ^^
*naim meod..
sure.. well where are u.. (country)
and what’s your level of hebrew?
u need to look for children books at start… try to look at international stores online.. (and i’m sorry if i made any mistakes in english.. i’m actually speaking only hebrew at home..)
oh.. and i’m not one of those teachers. i just came here ’cause i was curious to see how they teach hebrew.. (i’m actually learning japanese..)
hi is this my name in hebrew
רקש מאמידי
רקש מאמידי
That was quick
Are there any books I can buy that I can learn Hebrew?
how can i write my name. My name is Rakesh Mamidi