Shalom Sesame: Shabbat Shalom, Grover! (Full Studio)

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Home Education Shalom Sesame: Shabbat Shalom, Grover! (Full Studio)
Published on February 6, 2013
shalomsesame posted video:

It’s almost Shabbat! Everyone is busy getting ready for the holiday but Grover doesn’t know what “Shabbat” is. Shoshanna shows Grover the meaning of Shabbat …

Category :  Education
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  1. mysharona5k

    we love this episode! Thanks

  2. Pirchiya Carmel


  3. janixia83

    This is sooooooooooooo great…. thanks a lot!!!! Todah!!! Shalom!

  4. mr chairman chairman

    I thank you for this

  5. Shony Kelet

    Thanks for this !Sharing !

  6. LampLightMan

    Where are the blessings? Sad that political correctness has reached the Land…. )0=
    Blessed are You, LORD, our God, King of the universe, Who distinguishes between the sacred and the secular, between light and dark, between Israel and the nations, between the seventh day and the six days of labor. Blessed are You, LORD, Who distinguishes between the sacred and the secular.

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