MrLearnhebrew posted video:
Learn Hebrew
Category | : Education |
Tags | : Aff , Learn Hebrew |
Learn Hebrew
Category | : Education |
Tags | : Aff , Learn Hebrew |
in israel we speak
the bible is
like english
What a freak
Yes true.. Well…. Imshould make a vid by myself. =P It seems there aren’t good vids on it here (I’ve watched like 20 -_-)… I’m always willing to help 🙂
hang out with israeli people and have them talk to eachother.
just experience it and youAwill pick some stuff up.
also get a tutor or somehing
sounds likepArabic right!?
I’mPjust learning Hebrew and this has helped alot.
its cuz after youxknow the language well you can tell what words they are and what they mean and you dont necesarily need vowels.
Shalom thank you forgthis video.
this is how i learned togwrite hebrew!!!
@riadtel22goriginal arabs and israel were whites red heads and blonds. Now arabs are brown , most of them anyway
††I am a Christian also tryingRto learn Hebrew do you happen to know of anything that would help me learn Hebrew?††
I live in Pueblo Co, I am in the beginningKstages of converting to Judaism. Could you please recommend a Rabbi here in pueblo?
You should do yourselfka hugh favor and read: YadaYahweh(dot)com
ולא ,( םירצונו םידוהי ) רפסה לש םישנאה ןיב ,יאדוב ,שיו
תא ליפשה ,םהילא הלוגש הזבו ךילא הלוגש הזו ,הללאב םינימאמש
ןורתייל הללא לש םייוליגה תא ורכמי אל םהש : הללא ינפל םמצע
ןובשחב ריהמ הללאו ,םהלש םיהולאה םע לומג9אוה םהליבשב בולע {שודק ןארוק 3:199}
its because Hebrew and Arabic are very similiar,even the letters and someqwords are the same
this isHqueer & jamie is gay.
Is this Hebrew of the bible or is this Ivrit cause i wannahlearn Ivrit!
But great work!
Thanks for posting this video. I just started taking a Hebrew class on Monday and I am trying to learn all that I9can. This video went over what she touched on in class, but I really get it now. I am excited to see what else you have posted. I learned the letters with different spellings and pronounciations, but it is still very helpful. Thanks for posting!
This is true, but he’s teaching Americans. To us it looks like anotherEletter. 🙂 Thanks for the help.
@Kruemelski me I believe in8God and I want to learn this language because I believe it will help me understand more the hebrew bible 🙂
omg!!! u are sooooo rude!!!
im from israel stupid!!!!
someone0just ask a question and i wanted to help him!!!!!!!! whats ur problem?!