LearnArabicwithMaha posted video:
i am teaching you how to write the Hebrew letters, and showing the differences between capital and small letters, i am also writing 2 or 3 words as an example at the end of the lesson. you are all welcome to learn comment and share with us your video responses showing us what you leaned in this lesson.
Category | : Education |
Tags | : 3 Words , Learn Hebrew , Writing Letters |
@mundanelifeof they are correct the way you see it on the screen, it is like Arabic, right to left
You’re an amazing teacher
mashalla 3alaiki (Y)
Shalom Maha! One question: how can I reproduce the “E” sound (as in “Elephant”) in Hebrew?
@rashidalis if you dont like hebrew you dont like arabic……….. theres christians living in the middle east…. you live in a bubble!!!
Next hebrew lesson should be about how to read hebrew texts. There is great different between hebrew texts written using hebrew alphabet and its equivalent in latin script. Seems there are signficantly less letters in hebrew alphabet version.
next time write it “tut” because” toot” in english means fart 😀
Maha,i really really really think you are sooooooo beautiful..i love watching you and you also have a wonderful sense of humour.
hey maha
you didn’t talk about the “sofiyot” the letters that have a different shape in the end of a word … i’ve seen them on your board in the beginning but you didn’t explain them in the video 🙂
nice videos keep them coming 🙂
is there another way to write the Bet in ktav rahut (hand writing) ?? i think it’s like a 2 but with a vertical not horizontal base
You are really confused, not all arabs are muslim and not all muslim are arabs and most of all you can learn arab even if you don’t have any interest in religion (maybe because you want buy oil)
are u using a mirror-imaged camera? i want to make sure the letters look right 🙂
toda raba, erev tov.
i m sorry but hebrew letters are so ugly..lol
and btw i though you are muslim but when i saw your cross i find out that i was wrong but it s very weird how can you speak arabic and you can read qu’aan and you are not muslim..you really confused me..may ALLAH open your heart to accept islam.
another great lesson. Thanks, Maha!
grande maha!
hebrew letters are so ugly..lol
Grazie 1000 per questo vidoe !!! Era davvero molto interessante !!! Non sapevo che voi non scrivete con le maiuscole quando scrivete a mano ^_^, in cinese non esistono ! Perchè non esistono le le lettere, solo i simboli
ahhh waiting for hebrew lessons for a while !! and also listening to your arabic lessons naturally !!! 😉
thx maha! =)
Thanks! Super interesting and definitely seems easier than the arabic alphabet. Un bacione
Thanks! Super interesting and definitely seems easier than the arabic alphabet. Un bacione!
Yes, I liked it, thank you Maha.
ahhh waiting for hebrew lessons for a while !! and also listening to your arabic lessons naturally !!! 😉
thx maha! =)
ahhh !!! waiting for hebrew lessons for a while !! and also listening to your arabic lessons naturally !!! 😉
thx maha! =)
toda maha you are the best teacher