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Published on August 19, 2010
Yonah613 posted video:

Hebrew Alef Bet song. This video is a copy of a great video made by Styve36. His original has had well over 220000 views. I put this up to safeguard its removal by certain groups who hate our people. Stop by and view his original please. www.youtube.com

  1. Chlovan

    @SKsarakristine It’s not easy

  2. shakalakaboomboom09

    i will love to learn read and write hebrew

  3. Kevodah

    Why does remind of Schoolhouse Rock so much? I love this!

  4. maggiepacific

    Great video! Can’t get it out of my head – a very easy way to learn ! Many thanks!

  5. lilzolo2

    i love this i rember my rabbi would sing this

  6. Jkelquedi

    awesome video, I love this song

  7. tribumora

    I love this video! Good job!

  8. The88jaims88

    we need it for school i am glad you make this!! 🙂

  9. Styve36

    I thank you for the attribution in your comments, Yonah. Would you mind also posting a link to my original in your about this video form? I still maintain that the true greatness of this video comes from Debbie Friedman, but I am rather proud of my animation. Thanks!! Todah Raba!

  10. SKsarakristine

    let’s learn some Hebrew.

  11. strawberriesgood

    its new to me i like it veryy much i am

  12. Moff00

    hahaha omg I love this vid so much. Thanks a looooot 🙂

  13. imhere4jesus

    I’ve been wanting to learn Hebrew, and the school in my area was recently hoping to offer classes, but it didn’t happen. So I’m studying on my own. And this has helped me! Thank you!

  14. CRoadwarrior

    Thanks for posting this. It will help me in my study of the Hebrew language.

  15. keannarocks

    א ב ג ד ה ו ז ח ט י כ ל מ נ ס ע פ צ ק ר ש ת (:

  16. WorldPeacePrincess

    Awesome !!! thank you so much, the best aleph bet song. =D

  17. bitbitbritt

    love this. it was stuck in my head for 2 days straight =)

  18. karinne22

    THIS IS THE BEST VIDEO ON YOUTUBE!!! Wow ~ I absolutely LOVE the song!

  19. nixnax20

    well dun =]

  20. rhps777

    this is the best video in the world!

    i cant get enough

  21. rustyalien

    thankyou for this wonderful song. I started learning Hebrew from my youth again. I started to cry learing it again.
    Phoenix, Arizona

  22. rustyalien

    thankyou for this I just started learing hebrew and this has been such a great help..


  23. 6653man

    this is my favorite video on youtube! it’s such a good reveiw for me

  24. lovemyhubby

    Thanks for all your hard work!!! 🙂

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