www.HebrewOnline.com – Learn Hebrew Online

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Published on October 12, 2008
boazbinnun posted video:

Learn Hebrew online with Israel’s best teachers

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  1. ynon1

    there is two kind of hebrew! the old hebrew

    which known as the “holy tongue”. and the other one is the modern hebrew which we’re using now.. the bible is written by the “holy tongue”, that’s the kind of hebrew that is a little bit hard to understand but most of the words are similar to the modern hebrew..most of the jewish that speaks hebrew
    can understand the “holy tongue” but right now they’r not using that, but the modern one which speaks in israel etc..

  2. stephaniebrugel

    My teacher ronit is great.

  3. 1happygirl0

    hebrew is the hardest language .i speak hebrew and i from israel.

  4. judigor

    i teach hebrew through singing have a look at judigor hebrew singing lessons

  5. Tenac1ousDB

    I know Hebrew and they are speaking it correctly.

  6. CrzyIvnXLII

    I know very little Hebrew, but even I don’t think they’re speaking it correctly.

  7. crg64

    I not Jewish nor Christian but an atheist.However,I do think Hebrew is a beautiful sounding language and very beautifully written.I’ve learned a bit here and there through tapes and books.The main interest for me of course isn’t religion but I love Israeli music.Eyal Golan is cool.Like one person said online would probably to expensive.

  8. inachu

    LOL wear some makeup! you peoople have raccoon eyes!

  9. SatinsBride

    This is a scam and yes I am a Jewess…my Beloved Husband was raised almost secular and now as a Husband wanted to learn… so when i saw the ad I called….it cost THOUSANDS….100 times more than a private tutor..we live in a remote area..so this sounded like a Dream…it quickly became a NIGHTMARE…not only do they want several thousand dollars…they keep calling..Jews hassling Jews…is weak

  10. Myspacegenesissix

    Very true.. Jews have claim of the land.

  11. talkissos

    i feel so special that i knew hebrew all my life

  12. king4EVA

    ani ohev hayehudim sheli

  13. gunnerysthartman

    ani yehudi, ani ohev kesef 🙂

  14. saythany

    אני תופח גדול!

  15. alphautubeone

    heres some hebrew translated:

    Sanhedrin 54b. A Jew may have sex with a child as long as the child is less than nine years old

    Sanhedrin 58b. If a heathen (gentile) hits a Jew, the gentile must be killed.

    O.K. to Cheat Non-Jews
    Sanhedrin 57a . A Jew need not pay a gentile (“Cuthean”) the wages owed him for work.

  16. JoelLeyden

    I tried HebrewOnline and found them to be very friendly and professional. It is an excellent service that I would recommend without doubt or hesitation.

  17. Israelbeach

    Can I get the name and telephone number of that Hebrew teacher? She is hot. Yes, I am now convinced. Teach me!

  18. rafvrab

    Nope, Bush hasn’t taken any lessons. He’s still trying to learn Spanish 🙂

  19. ninarebelde


  20. Fly2High


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