10 Easy Ways to Lose Weight

Home Uncategorized 10 Easy Ways to Lose Weight
Published on February 3, 2015

Hi everyone, It’s that time of the year again where we all want to get fit for the warmer season. Today, I’m going to share 10 easy but effective ways to help you shed those extra pounds. I’m pleasantly surprised people are already noticing my weight loss. A lot of you have been requesting me to share how I’m shedding my pounds so the video will pretty much reveal everything I’m doing. You would be surprised how the little changes in your lifestyle could make that much of a difference. I can understand healthy eating can be tricky when you’ve got a busy lifestyle. Perhaps you’ve got yourself in a habit where you’re used to eating out constantly. Processed foods just seem to be the convenient choice. How many of you complain about your body constantly yet you snack on numerous amounts of unhealthy fatty sugary foods? I’ve gotten myself into a habit of taking time to prepare my meals in advance. Instead of always feeling sluggish and bloated, I feel great!!! My friend Cassey (Blogilates) tells me that your body is 80% diet, 10% exercise and 10% genetics. What you consume into your body plays a MASSIVE role to how you look and feel. Exercise is very important too. Not just to tone the body but also for a healthy heart and mind. If you are struggling to get motivated to work out, here is a post I wrote on why you should exercise. Exercise is not just good for your body. It’s gives you glowy radiant skin and helps to distress your mind too: http://bubzbeauty.com/bubbi-likes/308-5-reasons-why-you-should-exercise.html My friend Cassey has really motivated me to work out more. I’m very blessed to have her as a mentor guiding me through my healthier lifestyle journey. Please subscribe to her and you’ll love her infectious bubbly personality. She talks so much she makes me forget about the pain! Check her out: http://www.youtube.com/blogilates Disclaimer: I am not a dietician or anything. I’m just sharing some tips that worked well for myself along with advice given by some knowledgeable friends. Music: Big Bang instrumentals “Blue” and “Monster”. Girl’s Day “Twinkle Twinkle”.

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