Learn Hebrew

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Published on February 29, 2008
yoav28 posted video:

A beginner’s video of learning hebrew – it’s an easy language!

  1. dersonne

    I have rockets in my garden …. very useful vocabulary !

  2. 857blocked

    You’re not even Semitic hence not Israeli (ie Israelite), why don’t you go back to the Khazarian gutter you came from, ie Georgia and Russia?

  3. faszika

    the stuff they dont teach u ba ulpan =D =D

  4. mocosafea

    lmho a few of these I had already learned from my Israeli friend. Great video

  5. Nadav34

    I am not agree! Hebrew is the least popular in the world.

  6. Nadav34


  7. BlumiLand

    lol i know hebrew 😛
    im from israel

  8. yoav28

    19, not close to being russian 😛

  9. myyyel

    boy in right is so sweet! 😀 ^^

  10. eba87

    yoav, are u originally from russia? and who’s dat ishai?is he ur frend or a relative?

    u do look like a buddy of mine, amit serper but we’re older than u i guess..amit is also an israeli and he’s much involved in the NET

    how old r u?

  11. GenXorcist1976

    Dobro. Ne razumijem kako je “:P”… Ja sam stare!! LOL!

  12. dtp882

    wouldnt ben zonah, be son of a whore?

  13. yoav28

    Soldiers 🙁

  14. GenXorcist1976

    Pozdrav! Da li govoris hrvatski?

  15. iferera

    no Spanish, Portuguese, Arabic… 😛
    What you guys doing now? Linguistics in the University?

  16. ae0326

    **בן זונה טובבבבבבב

  17. ae0326

    בן כלב… טובבבבבבבבב!!!!!

  18. yoav28

    German sometimes 😛

  19. iferera

    Your English is very good! 🙂
    Anyother language besides French, Ukranian adn Dutch?

  20. phretstyle

    WOW u guys are hott– esp the one in blue =)

  21. royroy95

    Es hebreo o que? jajaa es increible ver como ensenen solamente las vulgaridades!!

  22. yoav28

    down with idiots who send unrelated comments

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