Shalom Sesame: The Land of Israel (1/3)

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Home Uncategorized Shalom Sesame: The Land of Israel (1/3)
Published on February 3, 2013
nostalgiateenable posted video:

Now that the DVD is back at the library, let’s go back to where it all began.

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  1. Cweisman24

    RIP Bonnie Franklin.

  2. nicka727

    I don’t see any captions on the Bert’s dubbed part in the cookies in bed skit as well as Rubber Duckie.

  3. mightyfilm

    Wait. I just noticed something during the opening of the Ernie eating Cookies in Bed skit. Ernie’s line is redubbed in English, and he sounds like Dudley Do-Right.

  4. awinx99able

    Wait a minute, I just want to know this, well, since Israel is near Syria, would it be safe for tourists to go to Metulla? I mean, I’m concerned about it, I’d research it and please don’t call me lazy but either
    A. I am lazy
    B. I can’t research it because I am so busy!! -_-

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