Learn Hebrew – Restaurant Vocabulary (English version)

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Home Uncategorized Learn Hebrew – Restaurant Vocabulary (English version)
Published on October 14, 2008
jrichman2003 posted video:

25 Hebrew restaurant words with Hebrew audio and English translations and transliterations

  1. deathskunk3

    ty 4 adding

  2. trrunalot01

    you could try pushing pause after you hear a word and play after you’re done repeating it.

  3. Rowlduke

    Hebrew and Arabic do sound similar.

  4. JezzyR22

    Uh.. Wow that would of been helpful if this video was like a minute slower! it went waaaaay to fast for me

  5. devsdora

    its not a hard languge to learn, its phonitic, and it almost always sticks to the rules in grammer (dikduk) unlike english

  6. adena539

    great job!!


    shalom braja desde mexico

  8. danbit5

    was crap at french.you should show piictures im never to old to learn but.shalom is a weird word in the sense its double edged what do i mean? peace.
    hebrew language was here before english im interested in it.

  9. omeryacobi

    Funny thing is they teach it the “proper” way to say it and not the way Israelis actually say it.

    BTW, I’m from Israel and wanting to learn Asian languages so if there’s any Chinese, Japanese, Singapore person or whatever you can add me on msn messenger :p pm me or something

  10. mshaily

    good luck 🙂
    it’s not that hard :D.

  11. Rittoshi

    Shalom Shalom!! Great video, I always wanted to learn hebrew, I love their history,culture and people.
    Regards from Kyoto-Japan

  12. colonia1

    cool shalom שָׁלוֹם!!!!

  13. flowerstar36

    Jacob, that was GREAT! I know lots of non-Hebrew speakers who will benefit from this, but will you do more topics and larger videos? That would be fantastic! EW

  14. primerib613

    This is wonderful! Todah!

  15. GodsClay

    Awesome!!! Hope you add more!! Great Job! It makes such a difference to both see and hear the words! Toda Raba!!

  16. MightyAngelJoe

    Excellent job! I hope that there are plans to do more of these. These will be a blessing to beginning Hebrew students.

  17. jrichman2003

    Use the rectangle button (second from the right) to reduce the image size and bring it into focus.
    The image was made for 320 x 240 and Youtube is 425×350

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