Chik Chak Chanukah! The Revival of the Hebrew Language – One of Israel’s Greatest Miracles! (4 of 8)

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Home Uncategorized Chik Chak Chanukah! The Revival of the Hebrew Language – One of Israel’s Greatest Miracles! (4 of 8)
Published on July 10, 2014
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  1. Tanblondalex

    hahahaha…even a naive American actress understood that your modern
    Hebrew is another version of Arabic, after you stole about 60% of its

  2. Levente Maier

    Really a miracle

  3. avi150001

    That’s the dumbest comment I ever heard. Sure, why not kill off every other
    culture and just turn the world into one big, tasteless sludge just like a
    McDonalds shake? And of course, destroy Jewish religion, culture and
    identity – all in one go? Great idea – NOT.

  4. valleyshrew

    The simplest option was English which 85% of Israelis speak anyway. Old
    languages should stay dead. The world is better off with less languages and
    more understanding.

  5. kerhk

    We don’t need different languages like we don’t need different animals,
    different plants or different hairstyles. But we keep them anyway

  6. Sam KONG

    that’s truly a miracle. as long as i know, no other language has been
    regained as oral language in modern time like Hebrew!!

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