Shalom Sesame: Ann Curry: The Word Apology

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Home Uncategorized Shalom Sesame: Ann Curry: The Word Apology
Published on August 22, 2014
shalomsesame posted video:

Ann Curry talks about the meaning of “apology.” For more videos, games, and parent resources, check out: From the creators of Sesame St…

Category :  Uncategorized
  1. decimated550

    you say that Ann Curry is “too asian looking”. Didn’t know that was a
    problem. I had a japanese girlfriend, and a filipina girlfriend, and they
    were never too asian for me. you look like my dick, and that shouldn’t be a
    problem either. “She’s too asian looking”… I can’t believe you said that.
    You should be restricted from posting on the internet. Banking, google
    maps, but no posts, okay?

  2. Gregory Whittaker

    I think NBC and Matt Lauer should watch this…

  3. trooper258

    She’s too Asian looking.

  4. 7within

    Try not to dwell on the past but I have a hard time forgiving and
    forgetting I could apologize but I still feel guilty

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