Shalom Sesame: The Count’s Number of the Day- Shesh

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Home Uncategorized Shalom Sesame: The Count’s Number of the Day- Shesh
Published on January 1, 1970
shalomsesame posted video:

The Count counts to the number six, or “shesh,” in Hebrew. For more videos, games, and parent resources, check out: From the creators o…

Category :  Uncategorized
  1. WinxClub63

    actually i have no idea..

  2. Vrej Egon Spengler

    Is this the Israel version?

  3. WinxClub63

    No. Shalom Sesame is teaching the Jewish-American kids about the Judaism
    and Israel.

  4. Nellie K. Adaba

    I need learn Hebrew. I’ll buy Shalom Sesame and the Hebrew/Israeli version

  5. Stacy Hirsh

    this is a funny version of the Count song 😀

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