yoav28 posted video:
The 2nd video of Learn Hebrew! We know you’ve all been waiting for it! (Please, do not deny)
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The 2nd video of Learn Hebrew! We know you’ve all been waiting for it! (Please, do not deny)
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heei you the “right” ur face like arabian/jew.. you all funny dutch!!! btw hebrew language so complicated.. sha’alom alaichemoch!! my hebrew version hahahahah.. j’kidding..
מישהו שם שם את השמים שלו …
israel rules 😀
i live in israel
כי ישראל שולטת
ואף אחד לא יעזור אותנו!
ooh my goodness..this is soo amuzing! i love the videos! im from haifa.. live in chicago now but i miss it like crazy! i was just looking to hear my language! this was funny! post some more =) sababa
lol u try and i will make it a hell for u:)
חחחח למה אתם מבלבלים אותם?
do you really live in Israel? I really want to move there.
thats difficult!
totally. XD
lol you gave them hard words to remember o_0
xDD גדול 😀
hahaha sara shara shir samech
Loved it, even though I could only hear clearly about 5 words or sentences lol
hahathat’s a nice discovery with the euro 😉 yes we do follow.
we have no connection with these countries, we are just fans 😛
amusing lads! 🙂
haha the two flags go perfectly together, Italy got badly beaten by Holland only yesterday on the european football champion ship, don’t know if u guys watch that..
are u originally from these countries?
because the netherlands kicks ass
mamash shtooyot
Are Yous freshies.
check out my other videos, i’m a netherlands freak 😛
גנן גידל דגן בגן, דגן גדול גדל בגן 🙂
hahahha, huh? a dutch flag? yes, why? laughed my ass off btw….unpronouncable yes, very! keep going, best wishes from the Netherlands!
i like jewish boys
Thanks you guys Rock !!! this is the best way to learn hebrew ! Kol Hakavod !!!