I’ve Got a Feeling (The Shabbat Song)

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Published on February 20, 2013
JewishTreats posted video:

Jewish Treats and @JewishTweets get everyone in the mood for Shabbat and Shabbat Across America with “I’ve Got a Feeling (The Shabbat Song)”! The 17th Shabba…

  1. ValerieLorna1

    Well let’s look at it another way….Remember to keep the Sabbath Holy! Anything that we do to NOT keep it Holy is Satanic worship of the other God……….He just loves all that silly music and jumping around to glorify oneself……….! He will use any means to take you away from the Commandments of God……Keeping the Sabbath day Holy is making sure we are in complete understanding of the Laws of God. NOT making ourselves into silly billies on a youtube songfest

  2. nizpa1989

    Maybe that’s why I have this ability to shoot spiderwebs out of my hands and swing from treetops…not. That would be awesome, though…I think I would probably first, were I a monkey, I would go get a banana. If I were a pig – I would probably eat whatever you gave me. I’m a Jew though, so I can’t eat whatever you give me and I don’t possess superhuman strength and I’m just a normal person with the same pitfalls and weaknesses-Flaws are air bubbles in a crystal – when light shines they sparkle.

  3. nizpa1989

    Totally satanic to hang out in the bathroom together and dance on a bus, yeah.

  4. ValerieLorna1

    Yes………..This is very worldly………..Can’t really tell the difference between this and most boy girl bands of Satan’s seed…Glory seekers!

  5. dburgess77

    Judge lest ye be Judged……..bless you!!! Shalom!!! HalleluYah!

  6. usenetposts

    Not even any point in discussing with him. He is a Muslim and therefore thinks that the ramblings of a psychotic racist paedophile are worth more than the oracles of God.

  7. hilla1301


  8. hilla1301

    I love Shabbat!!!
    It’s a great day for rest and fun with the family ….. ♥ ♥
    big like….=]

  9. Lycas7x

    Is that why you guys don’t get along because they picked a different day out of the week? they were probably going to let you use the building so you didn’t have to pay your own utilities and rent. Get over it.

  10. Lycas7x

    I think you are mean. Jewish people have stereotypes just like gay people. I have heard enough about the mu-slums. He seems like a nice boy. I would go out with him.

  11. Ndlkz

    I love this song

  12. TheRestIsCommentary

    I never liked that alarm clock because it had too many buttons, and the projector thingy sucked

  13. irchek070488

    LOL this is awesome! :)

  14. dburgess77


  15. Dawid B.

    fajne mycki

  16. mourad morocco

    My jews come to seattle plenty of jobs at:
    Microsoft-Redmond———Offers H1-b visas to employees to stay in USA
    AT&T-Redmond————Offers H1-b visas
    Amazon-Seattle—–Offers H1-b visas
    Plenty of jobs in the healthcare sector at UW medical center in Seattle
    Plenty of jobs at Fred hutchinson Cancer research in Seattle.
    Big demand for welders and electricians plus diesel mechanics.
    See you soon in seattle

  17. Dustin Boniface

    That’s a muslim belief… I lived in Minneapolis for 15 years and they told me that, alot.. I’m just saying… What would a Muslim be doing on a Jewish thing?? O.o haha

  18. Keaton Smith

    I thought this was going to be a spin on the Beatles I’ve Got a Feeling. The Black Eyed Peas song is I Gotta Feeling. URGH!

  19. Vivionne Keli

    I LOVE MY SHABBAT!!! Shabbat Shalom, the God of Abraham is an AWESOME God!!! Thank you for this video. I get to do this every FRIDAY how exciting!!!

  20. pordal khan

    People say that Pushtoons are the Children of Israel May be they will but Pushtoons are the Believer Children of Israel not those of Jews. these jews even didn’t follow the Prophet Mosses (Peace be upon Him). that’s why David and Jesus (Peace be upon them ) Cursed them because they Followed Satan (Cursed be upon him) and did’t follow the Messengers of GOD . We take Refuge of GOD from Satan and Jews.

  21. pordal khan

    Sabbath means Saturday and this was the day on which the jews transgressed the Word of GOD AND GOD MADE THEM PIGS AND MONKEYS .For your information and if you do not know your ancestors know this story much better, ask from them

  22. llAshl3yll

    The guy cracks her in the face during the one part haha

  23. Chana Bilek

    So beautiful and inspirational! To learn more about Shabbat call 1-800-STUDY-4-2, Partners in Torah!

  24. draltman

    This is such a cute but strange video…

  25. draltman

    that lady….

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