RooneyEnterprises posted video:
ThatJewishGuy is now on YouTube! Some older episodes are being uploaded here, as you see. Enjoy! Also, visit for every old video plus n…
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They’ve done it already! Many times. So many times that it’s become so mundane and forgettable that it has left your conscious memory entirely.
@5:15 So when did Kolot do it Spence?
תודה רבה! אני לא רוצה לאכזב אותך, אבל אני לא ישראלי. אני דתי במידה מסוימת… צמתי היום! חחח
אתה ישראלי? דתי?
אחלה סרטון!
i’m jewish but i never watched this when i was little, i watched the american sesame street :/, i wish i’d seen this though.
wow is always loved that part lol
wow is always loved that part lol
Episode 9 is my favorite, as well!
After that one, I actually wanted to consider Yuchalechalech as a real letter!
I’m not Jewish and never saw this videos till I was around 11 or 12 but I like these videos a lot – at least the ones that I’ve seen. Moishe Oofnik is now honestly one of my favorite Muppets ever.
Say, ThatJewishGuy: have you heard about the new Shalom Sesame videos that have been coming out this year? Your thoughts on them?
The song is called “Debka Rafiach.” It’s a traditional Druze dancing melody.
I can’t find a full version of that cool song at 7:34
Also I don’t know what it’s called
No VHS tapes? Most Hebrew schools still have them.
And I was raised Jewish. Best way I can describe it in a YouTube comment. 😉
How did I never catch this; I’m Jewish AND I didn’t have cable TV when I was younger??
By the way, out of curiosity, is your family Orthodox, Conservative, or Reform? My family doesn’t go to temple, but we do celebrate some of the major holidays.
Just imagine how I feel!
Wow. Now I feel really old.
Yeah, “Henei Ba” and “I Believe” have similar melodies.
If I put in the “ze olam katan me’od” section, it would never leave your head. EVER.
I enjoyed Shalom Sesame, and I liked the song Hinei Ba Ha’Shalom. You know, “I Believe I Can Fly” sounds a lot like it. But what about the It’s a Small World section from Show 4?
lol, thankyou. ^^
and yeah, barney is a sin against nature. i didn’t like him when i was supposed to, and i don’t like him now.
i wish we had stuff like kai lan and dora in my day. i would have liked to be taught chinese by a little anime girl. xD
I’ll tell him you said so!
Glad you like it, and glad your opinion on Barney is the same as mine!
….am i the only one that thinks that jewish guy is kinda hot? .__.;
god this show is early 90’s. of course, given the time, i guess that was obvious. xD
i never saw this when i was a kid, and that could be because 1. it predated my memory or 2. i’m not jewish (or 3. it didn’t air in my area). even though i never saw it, it reminds me of when i was a little kid and my mom used to teach me numbers in swiss german. i wish i could have seen this though ^^;
oh, and barney sucks. >__<
I remember watching this in Hebrew School…those were the days with my teachers Bob (Bert) and Eric (Ernie)… I’ll never forget it (:
Always watched this growing up in Sunday school. Brings back a lot of memories.
lol this is absolutely genius, thanks 🙂
I never knew about this….ever 0_0
This seems to be a staple…what else have I been missing?!?! T_T
Great track, isn’t it? It’s not much longer than what you see, though.